Chapter 10

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Years later,
Donghyuck still takes that same pill that gave him hell and happiness at once.
But now he is a successful art director, well know in his field.

He still thinks about Mark. He have been imagining him for years... quite hard to get rid off.

Even as a human being from imaginary worlds Donghyuck still loved him.

But now he was happy. Even away from him.

He knows what is right and wrong.
He fights for his beliefs.
He has confidence and love for himself.
He is strong and happier than ever.

He is broken in symmetrical pieces creating the perfect puzzle for the perfect mind.

Life is simple yet fun, in a house full of grown up men, some married some not.
He was feeling whole.
And that was his goal...

Thoughts were running in his mind about past and future, looking outside the window while the train is moving in a dizzying speed. Only to get stopped by an oddly familiar voice.

"Hey can I sit- Donghyuck!?"


"This is not possible..."

"But you were just hallucinations."

"You were hallucinations!"


"Wait... I'm Donghyuck, and I'm in no way a hallucination nor an imaginary creature. "

"I'm Mark and vice versa."

"We have a lot to talk about."

"But how do I know you are real?- ouch! Hyuck why would you do this?!"

"To make sure. Hey ma'am. Can I ask you a serious question? Can you maybe see both of us?"

"Um... yeah?"

"Like me and Donghyuck too?"

"I see to crazy people asking me if I am able to see them so yeah, I can sense both of you."

"You are not so wrong about the crazy one..."

"Shut up Mark. Thank you so much miss..

Now we have to talk about everything don't you think? I mean... last time I saw you I was sobbing on the floor as I got to know you were just part of my sock brain and now... awake and alive you are in front of me, and not in form of hallucinations..."

"Yeah darling... I know... I remember the same thing too. I missed you so much. You can't believe how happy I am to have found you... the real you."

"I love you Mark."

"Me too love. Don't let us go... till death darling. "

"Till death love..."

The end.


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