Chapter 8

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And as he was told. He took the pills.
And once he was out of the hospital, he continued doing so. And Mark came to visit, and was there for him everytime a pill would slide through his tongue, to his neck, to his stomach accompanied with a generous amount of water to fade the nasty, sour taste.

And Mark was there even when he didn't want to take them and when he would refuse to eat but also when he was smiling, genuinely smiling and when he was eating and laughing and crying.

They still went out on picnics, watching the stars, eating vanilla flavored ice cream even when it snowed.

And Donghyuck became more social. He met new people from his university. He made new friends. He went out partying never forgetting about his diet and pills.

Yet he was forgetting about something.
Something important in his life.
He was forgetting about Mark.
Mark... his love, his rock, his everything...
Who was Mark again?

Right... his supportive system till he started taking those fucking pills.
But they gave him happiness... but Mark never visits him anymore, he even left their home.

Suddenly substances supposed to make him happy, took away every energy left in his body draining out any emotion he's ever felt, if he ever did truly anyway.

So, he soon did what he thought was the best. He stopped trying. He gave up.

He gave up... so that Mark would come back to pick up and connect the pieces of the puzzle called Donghyuck.


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