Chapter 4

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Today he had only three subjects to attend, and as usual he was zoning out thinking about life. He was in college with the dream to become and photographer, but things changed somewhere in between, and he was now getting ready to have his degree as an art director.

Donghyuck knew he had a wild artistic side and mind. So even when almost the whole family were doctors, he knew he would be an actor, a singer, even a model or a designer, but surely it would be something that had to do with art.

During his middle school years, he met Mark. It was right after the death of his parents. Mark was always there for him and vice versa.

Mark was basically living in their house. And his brothers... they let Mark live with them as if they were a family. He was the only person who made Donghyuck feel safe.

Sometimes Mark would go away to his parents on the other side of the country but they would still message each other. They never had calls, only letters or texts through different apps.

At least, Donghyuck can never recall a time they actually had a conversation over a phone. Mark would never pick up at first so they made a deal to only text when he is away so that they would feel less awkward.

And in those years of Mark being beside his side, Donghyuck never felt lonely or alone.

Donghyuck was always a bit... moody.
He would start laughing or crying out of nowhere but he blamed it on the hormones as a teen.

Mark was always there. He never left him fight this on his own.
Even when his best friends and brothers were calling him a liar, an attention seeker, a fake for reasons he doesn't know even now several years later.

But thankfully they soon stopped when they grasped the situation. They should have known better, yet time doesn't go back so it was decided to just let it go for now.

During high school, Donghyuck and Mark grew even closer and finally Donghyuck announced their relationship to his family.

Tears kept on falling from joy, he thought, hugs were placed gently on his body and Mark's voice displayed on the background:

"Till death Hyuck..."


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