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"Octavia Knowles!" I hear after slamming my door. It wasn't my fault, I didn't start the stupid fight she did! No on even asked me why I hit her. All they did was yell yell yell like it was my fault. "Little girl do not slam doors in this house!"

"Shut up!"


"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" No one is listening. It wasn't my fault, I didn't mean to hurt her but no one will listen. Not even mom. She's suppose too. "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!"

"Did you not hit Amy first?"

"Yes but-"

"But nothing, you know better than to put your hands on others Octavia-,"

"YOUR NOT LISTENING TO ME! IT WASN'T MY FAULT SHE STARTED IT I DID NOTHING WRONG!" I try to explain. Mom wasn't listening, she was only taking what Mrs. Grant said and that was a lie. No one is believes. "I didn't do anything wrong mommy I swear!"

"I don't appreciate you lying to me Octavia. Both your teacher and Amy said you hit her, I just asked you again if you did and you told me yes. So what else am I missing here? How exactly is punching another little girl in her face doing no-," when I open my hand mom doesn't look mad anymore, she looks sad. She kneels down and picks up what I was trying to explain to her. In my hand was momma's necklace, all messed up and in pieces because of Amy.

I tried telling the teacher, it was after I hit Amy though. When the necklace got messed up it made me sad, I didn't know what to do. Amy was laughing when she did it, she even laughed when I asked her to stop. She wouldn't stop so I hit her. It was the only way I could get my necklace but it was too late. My necklace is ruined. No one can fix it, and now mom is going to make me throw it away. All because Amy, "how...how did...how did this happen?"

"I wanted to wear it today so I took it off of Mr. Pickles. Amy say my necklace during recess and said some mean things. She kept calling it ugly because you can't read the words anymore. I said I don't care it was a gift from momma then she called momma stupid for giving it to me. I told her to leave me alone but she wouldn't listen. That's how everything happened, Amy pulled the necklace off me I said 'give it back' she said 'no' so I tried to grab it but I couldn't. Amy dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. She wouldn't stop and I was crying because it broke and she laughed at me-,"


"I'm sorry mommy I-I didn't mean too but it's broken a-and I-I can't get a-another one 'cause m-momma is gone! D-Don't make me throw i-it away mommy please I'm sorry! I'm so sorry please let me keep it!" Mom doesn't say anything, she pulls me into a hug. I don't feel the floor anymore, I feel like I'm floating for a second until we're on the bed.

I feel bad, I wasn't to take the necklace to school. When I was in first grade I almost lost momma's necklace during recess. My teacher helped me find it, mom told me to leave it on Mr. Pickles that way I could never loose it. Today was show and tell. We were to bring something from home that means the most to us. I didn't want to bring Mr. Pickles he would've got dirty or someone would've took him. That's why I brought my necklace, to show my class. Amy messed it all up by being mean. If Amy didn't say all those awful things my necklace or momma I wouldn't have did something bad. Even though I had a good reason to hit her it was still bad. Mom said fighting isn't something we should do, I didn't mean to break the rule, honestly.

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