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Roya 's POV :

How dare he threat me like this?

I went back to the hotel room and call my lawyer. I now rule my ownself, he can't control me now.

My mind was giving me the vision of how he ordered me that I have to come to his office at 8 Am.

My lawyer pick up the call.
With out even greeting, I asked "Did you find a way out to get out from the contract?"

"No. But there is a way but it is..."

"Tell me quickly, I can not tolerate John dancing on my head!"

"You have to pay off the contract expenses they invest on you. Like making banners, cover and your dress etc for events"

"They did not invest much. I can return the money easily" there was a smile on my face but it disappeared after I heard next words from the other side.

"10 million. You have to pay 10 million."

"what is that a jock!they didn't pay that much!"

"But the contract says that and you have to, do only there promotion for 2 years, you can not work outside rather then there company and whenever they need you , you have to be there, you have to do as they as, as they please. It is kind of they buy you for 2years as there goods. Wait I will mark the important rules which you have abide by. Looks like they added so many new rules which don't have in your earlier contracts. Even they can file case against you if you deny. "

I was checking the contract carefully. What! My marrige contract do not have that muchrules.

" I never signed that kind of contract."It looks exactly like my marrige contract type contract, nowhere to way out.

" Did you read before singing?"

"No but my assistant did. She always check my contract"

"Nothing can be done now dear. You have to dance like they told you to. I always advise you to read before signing! But you never listen" His voice shows disbelief

I thorw my shoes to the bed. How dare he? I am becoming mad, in every terms shows they snatched my right of being human.
My assistant was right in front of me. I was fuming in anger.

"what is this? The contract, did you read it before giving me to signing it up!" I show her my leptop which have the documents copy.

She was reading and in every terms of condition she read, her eyes is becoming bigger then before.

I asked her"Do I pay you, not to read the contract before or reading the contract in front of my eyes "

She hold her hands to her vocal cord" I swear madam. I read the contract carefully but this is not the contract which I read. They maybe changed it before signing.. "

" But you are the one who signed my every papers! "

" Madam,look at this, I had the copy which they sent me to read. And before the signing, The company assistant was here and he came early at the morning and maybe he is the one who replaced the contract! "

" are you sure? "

" Yes madam. I remember now, I was pushed by him near to your office. I thought it was an accident but maybe he was the one who changed the file during the accident. They are planning you to trap in the contract .

I am sorry madam, because of me you are in this situation. I should be more careful! " she told me that with sad voice

I look at her. This poor girl had no fault, it was a plan after all.

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