Kallie's past and present

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Life is difficult, understanding people and everything is difficult. Kallie Richards know that life is difficult. She was abandoned by her parents, they didn't want her, they were young and wanted to party, there was no love or affection.
Kallie looked like a normal child to people on the outside of the children's home, but they doesn't know that she hasn't felt love from her family and that she hasn't been shown love from the care workers or anyone in the house, her foster parents pick up her expectations to throw them on the ground and send her back as she was to silent and doesn't want a child like her. Back and forth all her life.
Even school she was alone, no friends she didn't talk to anyone. The teachers was scared that she would not have any social interaction, trying to make her have friends, didn't go well, Kallie would walk away. Getting into secondary school she focused on her studies, not knowing if she would go to college or university. 'Kallie, you know that you can do anything you want?'
Miss Cameron, her History teacher said one day in her last year, she was getting ready to do her exams and just wanted to be alone, she also was studying in English and business.
'Miss, can I go to the library to get another book, I'll be quick.'
'Go on, 10 minutes.'
Kallie walked out of the classroom and straight across the school campus to the building that had the library, she kept her head down and made sure not to catch anyone's attention. 'Hi miss, do you have the book that I asked for a couple of days ago?'
Miss Norman, the school's librarian looked up in her round glasses and ragged messy bun (basically a stereotypical teen movie librarian), she handed the large hardback book on American History, Kallie felt the most comfiest in the Library. Quickly going back to her history class, sitting in her chair and started to read and take notes of the book.

Her life revolved around being at home, going to school and studying. That what she liked, no contact with people and talking, she knew that she couldn't go on like this but she didn't want to change, she liked the way she was.
'You have an interview for the assisted living facility in New Harbour at 4 tomorrow, Kyle (her social worker) will be picking you up at 2 and you will be going.'
When she leaves school, she will be going to a nice little quiet town, something that she wants instead of the busy noisy city that she is in now, thinking about this as she walks up the stairs into her room, putting her bag in her closet, sitting at her desk, taking out her new books she got from the school library, she started to read them before tea.

It has been two years, Kallie had finished school, got her grades and moved to New Harbour, she loves it in the small town, families and old people who move their for their retirement, the small shops, walking around the streets, looking at the old victorian/tudor houses, taking photos and writing about her life in a blog. Kallie got up one morning and decided to get a job, she walked around the streets, looking at job notice boards, nothing that intrigued her, she thought that it is going to be harder to get a job.

'Kallie, the new encyclopedia of history has come in, want me to put it aside for you?' Melanie Jacobs, the bookshop owner, she was a 28 year old, long brown hair with bangs and always wears a colourful bandana, long cardigans and ripped baggy jeans with crop tops, she told Kallie that she likes the hippie look, Kallie agreed that it was her style. Since moving to the town, Kallie had become close to Melanie as she would spend most of the time there. 'Kallie, what is wrong?'
'I need a job, the rent that the government pay for me until I turn 18 is stopping and I need a job, but there is none.'
Kallie walked into the bookshop behind Melanie, she handed her the book and stood behind the counter. 'Well, do you want to work here? I see you love books and is here all the time, you're nice, quiet and seems to understand what people want.'
'Are you serious?' Kallie questioned shockingly, she couldn't believe that it could be this easier to get a job. 'Please, I would love it.'

Tomorrow she starts her new job, her first job, the best thing that has happened, she is so excited, she doesn't know if she will feel confident but she can't wait.
'Kallie, you have a letter here.' Her landlord said at the door, she opened it to see him, a balding, middle aged man with a pot belly, holding the letter out, she quickly took it and handed the money she had taken it of the bank for the repairs to the sink in the bathroom. It was from the people that pay her rent, water and electric, saying she has 1 more week before she turns 18 and two days she will have to support herself. 'I have a job Kyle, at that old bookstore, the owner Melanie said she would love me to be an new employee and I start tomorrow.
'you will get £12,000 after you turn 18 for the first two months while you get sorted then I'll come and see you every once in a while, until you feel confident.'
'Ok, I'll be waiting all the time for you to call and come,' She tried to not be sarcastic. She put her phone down and turned on the TV, she went into the bathroom and tried the sink, he fixed it, checks if anything is missing, this is because she lived in a care home and nothing was hers. It was a habit, she knew she needed to stop and trust people but her life was hard to do that.

A new day and a job, she got dressed, had breakfast, collected her stuff, a drink and then walked to the bookstore, she stood and waited for Melanie, she was a couple minutes early when Melanie came walking down the street, she was smiling like always and Kallie was smiling, they both walked into the store, first thing after having a coffee Melanie showed how to use the cash register, how to order the book and the refund and exchange rules along with the book trade rules that the store has. 'It great that you are fast learner, I have a meeting today at my son's school, I'll be gone in the afternoon for a couple of hours, will you be alright?'
'Yeah I know what to do.'
It went well in the morning, she had a little trouble but the people had understood it was her first day. 'Don't worry dear, it's your first day, I remember working in a retail shop and giving the person the wrong amount of change.'
'I know, it's hard not to be hard on myself, I'll try, here you go,' handing her the bag of books and the money, the old woman put the money into the book donation tub for the school library, she never saw all the people that bought something even when they were trading their books donating money in the city, it was weird being in the town after so long in the city but she felt at home.

After 2 weeks she was settled down in her job at the bookstore, what her teachers was scared about being a social outcast was becoming more and more a distant memory and wants to show them that she has changed so much.
'Darling, here are the books I called to trade in,' an elderly lady with one hand holding a bag of books and the other a walking stick, Kallie walked to the door, took the bag and walked back to the counter, she looked over the books, the ages of the books and the condition all come into how much money they can give the person. 'I can give you £50.'
'Thank you, I'll give £20 to the donation box for Melanie's sons school library,' she took the £30 that was left after taking £20 out, she waved, said goodbye to Kallie and hobbled out of the store, happy and content, Kallie sort have got used to the people donating loads of money or half of the money they get into the jug. 'Hi, I was wondering if you are the owner?'
A man, with neck length, undercut at the side with a slight fade, hoodie and ripped jeans with a black backpack stood at the other side of the desk. 'No, this is the owner.' She pointed to Melanie walking over with another customer. The man picked up a little boy, he looked 3 years old was crying. 'Hi, I am Melanie the owner.' she said while ringing up the other customer, the customer left and she paid full attention.
'I'm Braydon Harris, your dad is my uncle, our dads had a fight before I was born.' Melanie dropped the books that she was going to put on the shelves.
'You look so different to the pictures, my mum showed me them.' Kallie looked between the two, she couldn't believe that they were family and they never seen each other. 'Oh, who is this?'
'My son, Jaylen Harris, three years old.' He waved Jaylen's hand, Melanie waved back, Kallie quietly walked away from the counter and stood watching her boss and cousin catch up, she wished she knew if she had any siblings or cousins, aunts, uncles or even grandparents but she doesnt, it is just her. 'Kallie, come here, don't be shy, this is my cousin Brayden, he going to be working here too get money for a place to stay, will that be alright?'
She didn't want to work with anyone but she couldn't say that, she nodded yes and walked back to the counter. 'Can Jaylen stay will me, he hasn't left my side since he was born.'
'That is fine, I did it with my two boys.'
Kallie stood, listened, acted like she wasn't listening, helped customers and watched Melanie and Braydon sitting and talking, playing with his son. She wished more and more to do that.

Her life is starting to get more complicated.

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