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It is getting closer to Christmas, Kallie and Braydon have been going to get stuff for Chrissy and Jaylen, the house is finally done with moving in, Braydon put the house for sale last week. His parents came with his siblings to see them and have a housewarming party, the next day Melanie, her sons and husband came along with Harley and Grey, Melanie looked after Jaylen while Kallie and Braydon went to get each other a Christmas gift, ' Our first christmas,' they were in the city at the shopping centre, 'I know, and Chrissy first proper family christmas.' They both nodded and smiled, Braydon held onto her hand, while she was with him she didn't feel anxious or scared about being in a crowded space.
'Kallie, it is you!' A voice approaching her came closer and closer, she turned around to see one of the old residents from the children's home who was adopted when she was 7 years old, she would come back for visits. 'I can't believe that I recognised you, it has been so long.' She hugged her, she had become tall, long blonde hair, oversized knitted jumper and some ripped mom jeans, Kallie confused that she would remember her, 'Oh, hi, I'm Daisy Winter-Michaels, this is my husband Dean, and who is this?'
'Braydon, my boyfriend.' She looked surprised, she didn't think from what she saw Kallie in the children's home she would be like this now.
'Oh, that is surprising, from how you were with people in the home I would never have thought that you would be in a relationship.' Kallie took out her phone and showed the lock screen, another surprised look on her face. ' Who are they.' 
'This is my son, and we are getting custody and adopting the girl.' Daisy was even more in shock, she couldn't believe that Kallie had grown up and not been a reclusive person, 'So where are you living now, your 21 now right?'
'Yeah, I moved to the little town called New Harbour, I met him because we both started to work in his cousin bookstore.' She replied back, wanting this to all end.
'And the little boy is...' she wondered.
'Mine, his mother died a year ago and I moved to new Harbour.'
They stood and talked about her life and now they said bye and walked their separate ways. 'She seems fun.'
'She was so overboard, she is 3 years older than me, she was adopted when she was 7 but always seemed to want to come back to the home because she couldn't make friends at her new school and at her new home, she makes it out that she is all perfect but she didn't want to leave, she was like me, her life just got better.'
'It's okay now, you have us, a family, your is much better and perfect.' he took her hand and kissed her temple, they walked into different stores and made sure to not show each other their gifts.

They came home. Harley and Grey was on the floor with Jaylen playing with his new toys he got. 'Thank you for looking after him.'
'It is ok.'
Harley and Grey stood up and walked out of the door, Kallie took the bags, walked up the stairs and put them in the bedroom, she then walked to Chrissy's room, she was sat on the bed reading her book of the week. 'How are you?'
'Fine, I finished studying and played with Jaylen with Harley and Grey.
She nodded and made her way down the stairs, Jaylen walked over to her, picking him up and spinning him around, ' did you have fun with Grey and Harley?' he nodded exictendly and showed her the toys he was playing with. 'Jaylen, want to have an orange?' Braydon walked out of the kitchen with the orange in the air, he walked to them and started to peel the orange when Jaylen was showing happiness when he saw it.
'Braydon, do you think Chrissy is getting nervous since next month is the decision if they are going to let her be with us with a full guardianship.' She put Jaylen down and put on paw patrol on the TV.
'She knows that we won't let her leave, we will fight, I know you will.' He walked up to her and hugged her, she fell into his arms. ' I know that but what if she thinks that we won't, what if she thinks that we will leave her, let her get on with her life, and just be me, you and Jaylen.' He put his hands on her face, she looked at his face, trying to not cry, them not knowing, Chrissy around the corner on the top of the stairs listening to them talking.
'Kallie, me and you are strong, we are going to keep her here, I know that you will fight, you know she will be out of the system in 2 years and you don't want that, I know, she knows that we won't stop until you are victorious.' Chrissy was happy that they are going to do everything they can to keep her, she turned the corner and ran down the stairs, she was about to cry, she ran into the middle of their hug. ' Stephanie said that out last meeting before Christmas was a success and we are more likely to be together permantly.'
'Ok, one thing... what made you run up to us and hug us?'
'Because I am not like other 16 year old teenagers, I haven't felt love or affection so I am wanting it all the time, not a problem?' She said looking at them both. ' I am glad we got a default 16 year old.' Braydon said, they all laughed, Jaylen ran over and put his arms up, ' me too, I want hug.'

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