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Kallie walked to the store, he heard how desperate that he was and she couldn't disagree and not go. 'Braydon, what's wro...?' she walked to the couch at the end of the store. 'Hi, your the girl from the other week, how was the book?'
'Kallie, come here, quickly.' She walked to the backroom with Braydon, she couldn't grasp the situation, until Braydon told her. 'She is in foster care, her foster mum is beating her and ruining her stuff if she doesn't get good grades.'
'What! she can't ruin her stuff, she isn't allowed, that is her own.' She walked out of the backroom. 'Hi, I'm Kallie, I think I told you last time.'
'I'm Chrissy Weatherley.' she smiled for the first time since she had been in the bookshop, Kallie had taken Chrissy hand and looked at her in the face, making her feel like she is not alone, she then told Chrissy about her experience with her children home and also foster homes, Braydon had stood away but listening to what Kallie and Chrissy had said, this is helping him understand how lives are different to what he grew up with and what he had and they didn't and made it hard for him to realise that his parents shielding him from his perfect life and that he didn't want that for Jaylen. He left to the back room so that Kallie and Chrissy can talk in private.

Chrissy was to scared to be alone with her foster mother, Braydon said that he will take her home and make sure that she is fine, 'I'll tell her that you wanted to study and I helped her.'
'Really, you'll lie like that?'
'I can say I was tutoring you, I'm in college she might take that better.' Kallie walked ot her, handed her school bag back to Chrissy, they then walked out of the store, closed it and then walked to the carpark to the car. 'Do you want to be there?'
'No, I don't like it but I have no where to go, no one wants me.' Braydon started to the car. 'Chrissy, you are going to have to direct me, still not used to all the different roads.'
Kallie sat in the back of the car with Chrissy holding her, she was shaking, she then looked into the rear view mirror.

At the door of Chrissy's foster mum's house, she stood behind Kallie, Kallie couldn't understand how a 16 year old like her was so scared when the door opened, 'Hi, we are bringing Chrissy home, she asked if we could help her study, i'm Braydon and this is Kallie,' he turned around, Kallie was hugging Chrissy, she was crying her eyes out.
'I go to the college, Chrissy wanted me to help her with some of her work and we got to carried away with the studying.' Chrissy didn't stop crying and didn't want to go to the house.
'Chrissy come on now, it is past your time to be out, you have missed your curfew.'
'No.' she ran off, Kallie ran after her shouting her name, Braydon looked at them running away to the foster mother. 'You don't hurt her do you? when she got bad grades?'
'No.' She didn't even sound convincing, at all, Braydon looked around to see if Kallie had come back with Chrissy, they were stood near the door of the car Chrissy was sat in the backseat, Kallie facing her, not letting her see her foster mother.
'Chrissy get in this house now, it is past your curfew.' Braydon turned back to the mother. 'And you can't do this, the police will be called if she isn't back in this house.'
'I am not willing to let her back into your care until the police and the social say that it is all right, I will show them the bruises and cigarette burns that she has and showed us.' He was threatening but he couldn't let her go back into that house, 'call the police and let them come and see her injuries.'
He walked back to the car, Kallie was hugging the crying Chrissy, 'she said that she wil call the police, I told her that Chrissy will show the abuse.'
'I can't they will take me away, back to the children's home, it is awful.' She was holding more onto Kallie, she stroked her hair to calm her down. 'It's ok, It's ok, I try to let them give you into my care and come to my house.'
Chrissy's face seemed shocked but overwhelmed with what Kallie said and couldn't believe that she would do that. A few moments later the police came, to the car, they talk to Braydon, a female officer came to Kallie and Chrissy. 'Chrissy, they want to see the bruises and cigarette burns to see if the story that Braydon is saying is true,' she pointed to the two female officers, they came close to the car to shield her while she showed the abuse on her stomach and back. 'Thank you Chrissy.'

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