16. 2 Years later

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It has been two years.
A lot has happened in two years, Chrissy had finished her qualification in college, she was getting ready to go to University with Nate in Scotland. Braydon had started his construction and carpentery, he employs kids that need apprenticeships and also does workshop for underprevilaged kids along with kids in foster care and children homes so they can have a good chance in life. Kallie had helped Hadley and Charlie get together, she was still managing being a guardian and mother to two kids, a girlfriend and a business women but she wouldn't change it for the world.
'Hey, are you and Braydon going to get married?' Kallie turned stunned when she heard that from Charlie, Hadley had elbowed him in the side, he faltered and then stood up next to Hadley, he then made sure to hold his waist and smile to say sorry, Charlie understood and laughed. ' I don't know, I think I am ready but I don't want to push him to far.'
'I know, but it will be perfect for you all, together all this time.' Charlie was a fantastist. Hadley was laughing and moved him out of the counter and to the bookshelf to reorganise. 'Kallie, you can go home, me and Charlie have it here.'
'Thank you.' Kallie laughed and walked to the back room, got her stuff and made her way to the door, closing it behind her and walking to the car, she drove to the construction office, Braydon was showing around the new apprenticeship candidates. Kallie walked over to him and waited for him to finish with the students. They hugged and held hands as they walked to his office, ' It seems to be getting more busier?'
'Yeah, we have two more sponsers.' He handed her a letter from the school Jaylen has been in. ' Parent's evening, when can you do between Wednesday and Thursday.' Kallie looked over the letter then said, ' Any time with me, Charlie and Hadley can look after the shop.' Braydon looked over at the letter again then his diary. ' Morgan can
take my last class and we can go at half 4.'
'Yeah, I'll come here, it is on the way to the primary school.' Kallie sat down on his lap. ' Chrissy needs your help with the books.' Chrissy even though she is moving into a small dorm is still insistant in wanting to take her books with her, the safety blanket. ' She taking all of them!'
'No, two boxes full, her and Nate were packing them though,' Kallie laughed, rubbing his neck. ' How was today?'
'Fine, one of the boys is really struggling, he has social anxiety but told me that he is doing this as it easier going to college for one day a week but he likes coming here,' Braydon moving paperwork but still holding Kallie on his lap. ' His mother said this morning that she has seen a good amount of change in his behaviour and talking to people since coming here which is great to hear.'
'You are doing an amazing job, that teaching degree is doing wonders.' Kallie snickered, kissed his cheek, stood up and walked around the desk. ' So are you busy tonight?'
'Why?' he was wondering all confused all of a sudden.
'Chrissy needs help packing, she wants you to do it.'
'I'll message her later, where are you going?'
'To meet Grey and Harley, Meyer's coming to New Harbour for a couple of days to see Harriet and Lopez.' Kallie said at the door of the office, one of the teachers and one of the site managers were walking towards them.
'Oh, tell them I said hi and can't wait to meet up with Meyer.' Braydon said bye to Kallie, waved by to her as she walked out of the door.
'Hi Kallie.' The teacher and manager said as they walked past. ' Bye.' They said when they past her, she did the same thing.

Walking into her shop, she saw Harley and Grey holding their twins, Harriet the oldest by a minute, and Lopez, the youngest, Meyer was surrogate to other couple in Nottingham, she was getting ready to spend the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy with them and was driving through so she decided to spend couple of days. ' Hey Kallie,' Grey said as she walked closer to them. ' Look, Harri, Lopez, Auntie Ka Ka is here.' Harriet threw her hands up and Kallie picked her up straight away, this in turn made Lopez cry, Kallie then laughed and picked him up. ' Hey Meyer, can't believe you are so close to having the baby, last time you were here, was it when you were 4 months?'
'Yeah, I double check to see if it is one baby or two.' Meyer laughed, so did Harley and Grey, they had the surprise of  their lives when Meyer had the babies and went into labour, she was 2 months early and the scan the doctor did the week prior it showed that their was two babies, she then told Harley and Grey, a massive freak out happened then they became so happy that it was twins on thier first surrogacy and is so blessed. ' I am so excited to not be pregnant anymore, me and my husband decided to take a break for a year or two, just be with us and out son, he is near the end of primary school, want to spend this time alone as a family.'
'You husband is brilliant,' Kallie said playing with Harriet frizzy hair.
'Yeah, I am blessed that he understood that I wanted to do this for families that can't have kids and he is there all the way through, looks after our son and tells him what happens, we let him meet the families that I am helping bring a baby or babies to them.'
'So were Harriet and Lopez the first twins or were they some before.' Kallie wondered.
'They are the first, so it was a shock, we all told my husband and he seemed to nearly pass out.' Meyer said getting her phone out, her husband was messaging to see if she was alright, Kallie loved the relationship that Harley, Grey and Meyer had, how they stay close and everything. ' So Kallie, you and Braydon, thinking about your own little one.'
'Seriously, it's hard enough with Jaylen and Chrissy, we said in a couple more years,' Kallie was wondering why everyone wants her and Braydon to get married and have babies, she only just got her barings with having Jaylen and Chrissy suddenly, having another baby will be overwhelming to her.
'How is Chrissy doing about going to Scotland?' Harley asked picking up the juice box that Lopez had dropped then pushed the straw in, '  be careful.' he then looked back at Kallie.
'I can tell she is nervous but she is so excited for this, she has Nate and if she is in trouble she can call either me and Braydon and we will be there in a drop of the hat and be there for here.' Kallie showed them pictures of the university when they went for the open days. 'She loves that university.'
'She looks it, lucky she has Nate with her.' Meyer said handing the phone back, Harriet got of Kallie's lap, running to the children's area to his sister. ' How were the new coffee's that Hadley had come up with?'
'They are so good, he roasted the coffee beans to the right amount, so nice,' Grey said, harriet ran over with a couple of books, his and Harley's face went from happy to sad knowing that they are pushovers and would have to but the books that they brought over with them, Kallie laughed, helped Meyer up and they walked to the cafe counter, she paid for the coffee, talked to Hadley, Charlie laughed as Grey and Harley walked over all defeated while they were buying the books, the twins running and jumping happily around them.
'Well, we will see you later then, Harriet, Lopez, say buy to these two guys, thank him for the juice boxes and him for the books,' They both said thank you, and walked to the door with Meyer. ' If you need us to look after Jaylen while you take Chrissy up to Scotland it will be fine.' Kallie thanked them and hugged them, hugged the twins and walked to the door with the guys and said goodbye, closing the door.  

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