104th v. 501st

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Image above by: suja-janee

- Ahsoka loves both her vodes, but they can get a little competitive over who she likes more

At the Coruscant airfield, the 104th and the 501st have just finished a mission. It was hard fought. Everyone was happy to finally be able to get some rest. Eventually. There was still a lot to do. Supplize to restock, maintenance to be done, and an arsenal to repair.

Master Plo had asked Master Anakin Skywalker to allow Padawan Ahsoka Tano on his mission. He agreed, as long as he could go. And with the rest of the boys in blue. Ahsoka thought it was overkill. She could take care of herself, and protect the Wolfpack. Plus, Plo Koon would not let anything happen to his adopted family, if he could help it.

Yet here they are, job done, and both battalions helping the post mission routine. And nothing bad happened.

Well mostly.

Master Plo got crushed, a tank caused debris to launch everywhere, including onto him. Anakin got grazed by a blaster shot, but he has had worse. Ahsoka got the best of it, just a sprained ankle.

Master Skywalker went to debrief the council and Plo Koon went to the Halls of Healing after much convincing from Ahsoka and the Wolfpack. Plo wanted to help them clean up, but the teenaged Togruta assured him that she and the rest of the 104th would take care of it.

Anakin didn't like the idea of her lugging supplies around with her wounded ankle. But she would be fine, Coric gave her an ankle brace. She could walk just fine. And wouldn't overwork herself.

Rex would make sure of that.

"Overprotective," She thought to herself. She loved all of her vods. But it is just so. damn. annoying. when she can't do anything. It makes her feel useless and weak.

So even though her ankle was hurting, she would still work.

On another note, Ahsoka thought it was weird that other Jedi masters don't help their clones clean up. As if they don't have time or something. It's not that much work. Like right now, Ahsoka was carrying a half full crate of scrapped parts to be melted down. And she wasn't even breaking a sweat.

Ahsoka passed by two one-oh-four clones helping each other carry a box of what looked like the same thing she had. What they didn't know was that there was a mouse droid behind them.

"Watch out!" She said, but it was too late. She quickly moved the crate to the crook of her left arm and extended her right. Using the force to lift the box, preventing it from crushing them.

They might be over protective, but she was still their sister. Ahsoka would look after them too, obviously.

Trying to balance her weight so she didn't tip over, the young togruta commander put her force onto her injured ankle. She gritted her teeth and winced. Taking a step back so that she was on her uninjured left foot.

Immediately, the two Wolfpack troopers got up and were at her side. One of them tried to take the crate.

"Are you alright?"

Ahsoka bit back the uncomfort spreading through her leg, "Yes, I'm fine, are you both okay?" She moved scraps out of his reach.

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