Hyperspace Chase

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- Next on Coruscant...
TW: Cursing (near end)

Ahsoka's boots were barely touching the ground as she flew through the streets. She held a vice grip on a bulky case, inside was a piece of top secret information. Everyone was trying to get the case, Ahsoka needed to get out of the limelight of the surface level and go lower. All while keeping the case from being taken by the clones tailing her.


The 501st gathered right outside the military outpost. Making a wide circle around a large, digitally locked case. General Anakin Skywalker guided a new group of shinnies to the ring of veterans. Chatter filtered through their helmets at the thought of field work. Ahsoka believes that this 'exercise' is not anything ordinary.

Although, it is her favorite way to see the city.

"Attention!" Rex called out. The five-oh-first and Ahsoka lined up facing their General and the new soldiers. The sun was barely over the cityscape, casting a hazy glow over the plastoid armor. Ahsoka stood next to them, matching their stiff stance with her hands at her sides. The shinnies glanced at each other, more cautious about what this exercise was going to entail.

Anakin gave the new additions his full attention, "This is the starting point, and finish line, for the Hyperspace Chase."

"As you already know, this doesn't have anything to do with space. It still is one of the fastest competitions you will ever be a part of. With your team, you will try to steal this case," He gestured where it was on the ground, "and hold onto it. If you manage to keep this case until sundown, and make it back here, you win."

"Uh sir," One of the newer clones said, "what do we win, exactly?"

The corner of Anakin's mouth tilted up, if the press was here the cameras would have gone mad. Ahsoka had to constantly avoid the harsh flashing lights, because her master was oh so photogenic.

"Over the years, the five-oh-first have made several," the Jedi hesitated, "embarrassing memories."

Ahsoka cringed at the word, it was definitely worse than that.

"R2-D2 decides which one of us he wants to humiliate, and puts the data in the case." Anakin states. Ahsoka observes that he seems very calm, even though he is the most reckless of the bunch. R2 has the most dirt on the Jedi master out of everyone.

Rex stepped out from the line, "We never know who he will choose, but it is the worst possible memory you can think of. The kind of stuff you wouldn't tell your brothers about."

The shinnies eyes lit up, some in excitement, others in apprehension. Ahsoka felt her brothers beside her tense. Last week they went to the clone bar, The 79's. She wasn't allowed to go that time, but she heard that it was one of the more daredevil adventures, heavily influenced by alcohol.

Ahsoka glanced at the blue and silver dome hiding a few meters behind her. He rocked back and forth on his supports, cackling to himself. Whatever is in the case, it must be good.

She has to know what is in the case.

"Whoever has possession by sundown wins whatever knowledge is in there," Anakin continued. "They can do what they will with it."

Ahsoka smiled to herself. She has several ideas and more revenge to act on. It might not be the Jedi way, but fairness is, that is all the justification she needs.

Anakin moved to the side, matching everyone's distance from the case. "My Padawan and I will limit our force use to make it more fair. The teams will be you shinnies versus the vets, verse me, verse Ahsoka."

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