Chapter 3

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A lot of realizations started to come to him as he followed the monster upstairs. It was so dark. This house most likely didn't have electricity or running water. How annoying.

He would kill for a hot shower right now, living without one for years didn't help that feeling. He didn't ask the creature if that fact was true. He refused to talk to it anymore and he was glad that somehow the thing got that hint.

Even when they stopped in front a door the monster opened it and left without a word. The room wasn't that destroyed compared to the rest of the house. It was still disgusting, but livable for the time being. Better than sleeping outside.

Looking through the closet, he found various articles of men's clothing. They were not his taste or even his size, but that didn't matter.

He was tired, so it did not even feel awakard to strip down his damp clothes and put on these random baggy ones.

He laid down on the bed.

Tomorrow will be a new day.


He woke up confused about where he was. So much happened yesterday and his body felt exhausted. As his eyes stared at the ceiling he touched his face. There he was. He was as real as can be. Yesterday, he was trapped in a digital game but now he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Well almost free.

The memory of that horrible monster's deal washed over him. How the hell was he going to pull this off? Who would date that thing?

"Good morning," a voice called from the doorway causing him to jump.

"Woah! Good morning."

"I'm ready for your teachings," The monster said stepping into the room.

The sunlight shining through the window showed off more of how this creature looked like. It didn't even wear clothes, the torso of it was slicked black. The neck of it was a leathery pink. It was unsettling.

"Well, I'm not even up yet, if you want a lesson right now, don't watch people while they sleep."

"But I see people doing that in movies and it..."

"You watch movies?" He cut in. He shoved the covers away and sat on the side of his bed rubbing his eyes. Of all the houses he could have walked into. "Ugh nevermind, don't answer that, listen, let me just wake up and get ready."

The monster did not respond back, he just stared at him questionably. Even giving a head tilt like some sort of dog. Those stares were starting to get on his nerves.

"Please leave."

"Oh." The monster just backed up slowly out of the room.

Fucking weirdo.


Going downstairs he found it lying on a ripped-up couch.

It was starting to get annoying, referring this thing as an "it". A name would help. That definitely should be the first lesson. How to properly introduce yourself.

"Hey," Senpai said walking up the couch.

"Hello there!" it said sitting up.

"Ok, so my life is on the line, lets get started." The lemon thing gave him smile and gestured.

"Go ahead."

"Well, the start of any relationship should involve a decent introduction. We well... had a bad one, but lets just pretend none of that happened." He explained. "What would you say to me if we were meeting for the first time?"

He could see the panic on it's face. This was basic speech...

"Should I say my name?"

"Yes! Now try it. Say hello, nice to meet you, my name is..." Senpai gestured towards him.

"Hello, my name is..." the creature repeated while holding onto each word. "I don't have one."

"You don't have one...?"

"No, I just exist, everyone I meet just calls me a monster."

How sad....

But accurate.

"How about I just call you Lemon Demon? Or Lem for short? Also, to be specific you are a boy right?"

"Lem? I like that name!" He said waving his fingers. "And yes,I am a "boy", I guess? Why do you humans have to be so specific with that."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure, anyway the other person now should respond back. A conversation is two-way back and forth," He was getting happy that this was actually going better than he expected. At least he wasn't feeling as fearful as before. "Nice to meet you Lem, my name is..."

Fuck. He knew his name, but did he really want to be called that again. That name belonged to life that was taken away from him.

"Do you not have a name either?"

"No! I do! I just don't like it."

"Call yourself whatever you want!"

"Ok then," He would go with the name that only made sense to him. "It is a little weird but I would like to be called Senpai or you can just shorten it to Sen."

"Hi, Sen," Lem smiled leaning into him.

"Hi," Forcing a smile back and backing away.

"Now what?"

Before he could respond a shooting pain came from his gut. He clenched at his stomach. Food. He hasn't eaten anything in ages to the point that he forgot that you had to eat. Ironic, conerning his deal with Lem, was so he could not be eaten.

"Are you ok?"

He looked up at Lem. It was insulting for him to be concerned.

"Uh, actually I think that would be good for today. I have a question."

"You ask a lot of questions."

He glared.

"I need something to eat."

"That isn't a question!"

"I know, but I need to eat and I don't exactly want what you have."

Lem pondered on that.

"I can give you money to go to the store to buy things. There is no power so you cannot use a refrigerator to store things but I do have a gas stove to cook."

Lem then left Sen to go upstairs. Sen sat on the couch holding his stomach. God, it hurt so much.

Lem came back holding some cash.

"Just get enough for today."

He went to grab the money but felt the hands of Lemon grab his wrist again roughly.

"Don't think this is your chance to run away! We have a deal and it is something you shouldn't break little Sen. If I feel you are doing something to get away I will tear you apart instantly."

"You aren't going to come and babysit me." He huffed.

"I don't know if you can tell but I don't exactly look human." Lem giggled as he let go. "Not in the mood to be chased with pitchforks today."

Sen cringed.

At least he will have some time away now from this Lemon Demon.

He needed it.

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