Chapter 4

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While in the grocery store, he felt like he was being watched. Not just by Lemon Demon, but by the other people there. He wasn't like them anymore. Not human, and it terrified him that they could probably tell.

Everything was so different than he remembered. The labels of many products he used to know were unrecognizable. Cashiers used newer cash registers and everyone carried around some sort of high-tech cellphone.

He caught a glance at the calendar section in the store. And his heart dropped when he saw that the date was ten years later than the last existed in this world. She let him rot in there for a decade. It almost caused him to have a panic attack.

Food. Food is what stopped him from having it. He needed it more than anything. He could feel himself drooling from just being around it in the store.

He grabbed various items that he didn't need to keep cold. Like a loaf of bread, jam, and crackers. When he was finished he couldn't even help himself by waiting and opened a package of something to eat while in the store line.

The flavor that entered his mouth was unlike any feeling he had before. It was delicious.

With his stomach getting filled, thoughts of escape tempted him, even with the threat from earlier. Could that thing even find him if he really booked it somewhere else? Lemon even said that he couldn't go outside during the day. It wouldn't be that hard. There were people around him to keep him safe. He didn't know where he could go but anywhere would be better than that cursed house.

Girlfriend's father then came to his mind.

He still needed to stop him even if this arrangement with Lemon was holding him back.

Maybe he could use Lemon to his advantage.

This Lemon guy was dangerous, if he played his cards right, this monster could help him get his revenge on Girlfriend. The thought brought a smile to his face. Lem was obviously not the smartest knife in the drawer. He already played him by making this silly deal.

Did that ugly worm of a monster really think he could ever gain the skills to date someone?

If he somehow gained the friendship of this monster and convinced him that Girlfriend's family was a better meal. That would be a win-win situation.

He still had to play along with this deal.

Before Sen left the store, he picked up a bouquet of roses.


"I'm back," he said while opening the door to the house carrying the grocery bags. The flowers he bought were clung in his other hand. It was dead silent. Was lemon nocturnal or something? Or was he just going insane and imagined Lemon Demon completely.

That would be hilarious...

He closed the door, the house was eerie from the sunlight shining through the window.

"Um, are you here?" Sen said out to the empty house. He walked more into it before he was suddenly grabbed from the waist. Sen almost fell forward before he could catch himself.

"What the hell?!" He turned around swiftly. Lemon Demon stared back laughing hysterically.

"Haha, you are funny to scare!"

"What was the point?!"

"It is a hobby of mine to scare people!" Sen without a thought about angering Lem violently threw the grocery bag at him. The various items flew out. This thing was playing with him like a toy. He wasn't going to just accept that. Without another word or even bothering to pick up the stuff he turned away to the stairs.

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