Chapter 6

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Without even changing out of his clothes, Sen collapsed onto his bed as soon as he went up into his room. He was both physically and emotionally exhausted. And he still had to make up a plan on how he was going to help Lemon. But how? The thing didn't even know basic social and human behavior.

Who was Lem even going to try to date anyway..? Another demon? Or a human..? God that was going to be a disaster! He thought of humans as prey!

That is what they are going to have to figure out tomorrow. Teaching dating and social skills were pointless if they did not have an end goal.

Sen groaned at these thoughts. He knew this was going to be the hardest thing he has ever done in his life. He had to do it though, there was no other option.   He had to rest to be prepared for tomorrow so he closed his eyes and fell asleep to the creaks of the house.


The sun rose and Senpai was able to wake up by himself without any interruptions. Starting off the day with looking at that lemon head would have put him in a bad mood. He needed a few minutes of pretending that he wasn't in this situation to feel happy. Moving to the bathroom he sighed at his messy reflection. The next time he was going to the grocery store he had to buy some beauty products, looking like this made him feel sick. He probably also smelled horrible. Thank god he was only around that demon, he couldn't judge that much. 

He went into the closet of the bedroom and pulled out an outfit that would make him at least look decent.

"That could be a lesson too," Sen thought, teaching that monster to wear clothes. He was pretty sure that Lemon was naked. Not many girls would be impressed by that. At least his body wasn't too revealing, from what Sen noticed, Lem didn't even have genitals. At least on the surface. He paused to himself suddenly as he felt his face warm. Why was he thinking of genitals? Why out of all the genitals he had to be that weird monster? Thinking of a naked Lemon felt very very wrong. He had to get his mind out of the gutter.

Sen finished getting dressed and took deep breathes.

He had this. Today was going to matter.

Sen opened the door and headed downstairs. He was met with the image of Lem laying on the couch and flipping through a book paying no attention to the other male's presence. Interesting. Sen cleared his throat and Lem looked up.

"Um, good morning," Sen said

"Sen!" The monster rose to a sitting position and scooted over. He patted the seat next to him. Sen lowered himself down. It was extremely warm where Lem was laying. Sen didn't mind that, with how chilly the house was.

"What are you reading?" Sen said. He was honesty pretty interested, Lem didn't even look like he could read.

"'Misery' by Stephen King," Lem chuckled. "I love how humans make up these fictional characters that you care about. It is so interesting!"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Do you read Sen?"

"Not lately."

He didn't. Despite being in a game that was featured in a school. All of the pixelated books there were blank. Props for the illusion. He always wished he could read them.

"Well, this house has a mini-library in the office if you ever feel like reading you can pick up anything."

"Thank you."

"So, what are you going to teach me today Mr. Sen?"

"I think first we should figure out more of a plan first."

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