Chapter 8

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Senpai went into the bathroom that was attached to his room. It wasn't the cleanest of course but all he wanted to do was to get clean himself. So he didn't care anymore. He swore he had to do a deep clean of the house to fully feel comfortable one day, maybe even an exorcism. He couldn't forget that apparently in the basement there was a collection of bodies....

Maybe that is something he should just bleach his mind of.

When he first turned the shower on, a foul smell came from it and the water was tinted yellow. His face scrunched up. Maybe he shouldn't take a shower? But thankfully as he let the shower run the water started to run clear. It was good enough.

He pulled the various bottles out of the plastic bag from the grocery store and set them close to the shower. He was even smart enough to also buy a towel.

"God, I don't think this house has a washer or dryer. I have to find a way to wash these as well at some point," He mumbled to himself as he stripped off his clothes. He held out his hand to water, it was a pleasant temperature so he stepped in. He sighed as the water hit his skin. He couldn't remember the last time he took a shower. Every sensation felt otherworldly. He could stay in the shower for hours at this point. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking everything in. Life was crazy right now and doing something as simple as this grounded him. He couldn't forget that he was alive again, despite this body being stolen he had a working beating heart, strong lungs, and soft skin. He had to take care of this body because he liked being alive. He wasn't going to let that demon downstairs or Daddy Dearest take that away from him...

He looked down at his naked body and ran his hands down stopping at his groin. He couldn't even register the last time he touched himself. That game obviously had no programming that would even allow him to do that or even think that. He missed that a lot, so he wrapped his hands around his member. A sigh escaped from him; the light touch felt so good.

A loud slam then made him shoot his eyes open and pull away.

"Senpai! She texted me!"

'What the hell?' Senpai thought. Thank god that there was a crusty shower curtain shielding his nakedness. Sen pulled it back to pop his head before Lem could beat him to it and reveal himself fully. The coldness of the outside hit his face. Lem only stared back at him blankly, he was holding his phone in his hand.


"Oh!? I'm sorry!" Lem backed out of the room, Sen grumbled as he pulled the curtain back.

Why? Why couldn't the door have a lock? Could he even take a shower without it being ruined by that lemon-headed fool! Sen grabbed the soap so he could get out of there as soon as possible. So much for making himself feel good, he couldn't even imagine himself jacking off anywhere else in this house. Great, he is going to be continuously sexually repressed.

As he got out again the coldness of the house hit him. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around himself and shivered. He had to get dressed quickly before he caught a cold. Sen pulled out some sweatpants that he got from the thrift store earlier and a comfy sweater. It felt so good to be freshly clean in clean clothes.

He thought about going to bed right away but he had to share a piece of his mind with that monster downstairs.

Plus, it wasn't good to sleep with a wet head.

He wrapped his hair with a towel as he went downstairs.
When got to the downstairs living room Lem was sitting on the phone, not scrolling or tapping it. Sen cleared his throat to get his attention. Lem looked up at him and smiled. "Lem why the hell did you think you could walk in on me?"

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