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Children screamed, something red splashed across Soobins face.

 He wrinkled his nose in disgust, the red blotch was ketchup, and the children were screaming because.. well because they were annoying. They had also been eating nothing but candy the entire hour long bus ride into the unknown wilderness.

 Candy and well apparently also ketchup. 

He groaned, this was already off to a horrible start, and they hadn't even arrived yet. They were going to camp for a whole three weeks, and Soobin would be a junior counselor. He was just thrilled, as in he was not looking forward to it whatsoever and his mom signed him up to work and he was way too introverted for this shit.

He had been looking forward to spending his summer watching TV or maybe learning how to bake bread. He had also wanted to do some bullet journaling. But he guessed he could still do that. What he definitely didn't want to do was spend his free time watching a bunch of pubescent boys.

 He heard two kids start to fight and heard a voice trying to break up the argument. He turned around to see a tall boy with dark brown hair that he wore pretty shaggy, standing between two boys who seemed set on killing each other. they made eye contact and he gestured to Soobin, calling him over.

"Are you gonna help me or what?" Soobin guessed he was a junior counselor too. he had failed to notice they were the only two on this particular bus.

"o-oh, of course," he walked over, unsure of what the boy wanted him to do exactly.

"He took it from me!"

"no, it's mine," they looked to be about ten.

"what are they arguing about?" Soobin asked the other guy, confused.

"I have no clue, you sit here, you sit here, I will take this," he took the baseball hat the two were arguing over and plopped it on his own head. The two boys just glared at each other from their separate seats.

"Ah camp romance," he joked to Soobin.

"I'm Beomgyu by the way, you look new, I mean it makes sense seeing as how I've never seen you before," he sat back down in the seat that Soobin had been sitting in originally, scooting over so they could sit next to each other.

"Is it that obvious? I'm Soobin, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing," Beomgyu laughed loudly, he decided he liked Beomgyus laugh, It was the kind of laugh that made you want to laugh with him.

"well I can fill you in on all the camp tea, any time, anything. It's my first year not being a camper here. So most of the other counselors and I have been coming to camp together for almost our whole lives. I know all the drama," Soobin thought that this might actually be the best person to be friends with.

"Really? Are they all nice?" Beomgyu shrugged.

"It depends on the person, or the time of day, or the kind of person you are and how they feel about you,"

"Ah," his eyes lit up suddenly.

"I hope we get assigned to cabins next to each other, that would be amazing," I nodded, confused as to why we were suddenly best friends. Confused but not upset.

"or next to Taehyun, I've known him forever, but last year I actually realized how smoking hot he was. I'd be all over that in a second,"

"wait your gay or-?"

"yes sir,"

"really? I'm bi, I didn't know how people would feel about that so.."

"Oh like half of the people here are like super fruity so.. just be prepared to get flirted with BIG time,"

"Oh well, I have a boyfriend," Beomgyu laughed.

"None of that matters at camp, what happens at camp stays at camp, unless you get pregnant or get someone pregnant.. that's a little hard to keep at camp," he nodded quickly, in all honesty, he had thought a lot about cheating on his boyfriend. And how awful it would make him feel. But if Soobin was being honest, he was a bit of a pain, sometimes it felt like he was only using Soobin for things. And he would tease him about things that Soobin was really insecure about. Sometimes it felt toxic, but It was Soobins first relationship, those things were normal, right?

Finally the bus stopped in a large gravel parking lot. And yes indeed, they were in the middle of nowhere. Someone got on the bus holding a clipboard.

"Beomgyu and... Soobin right?" he nodded.

"Go out and help the other juniors with getting all the luggage out of the busses," he smiled at soobin as the two of them walked out.

"and we're glad you're here,"

"That's Namjoon, he's a counselor, maybe you'll get assigned a cabin with him," Beomgyu said as the two of them climbed off the bus.

AN: So I created a spotify account with playlists based on my stories so please go check those out and listen to some music while you read <3 

Camp loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora