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Soobin was hiding. Shifting on the cold tile of one of the camp showers he thought about what he had done. In summary, he had fucked things up, he could feel it. Pretty soon everyone would think that him and Yeonjun were banging each other until Yeonjun revealed the truth and let everyone know how big of a liar Soobin was. He curled up tighter, trying to pretend that what had happened, hadn't actually happened. He fell asleep like that. Curled up in the cold shower, not knowing why he was such an awful person.

"So.." Soobin tensed up as Beomgyu sat beside him at the junior counselor meeting. By now Yeonjun had most definitely told everyone the truth and now-

"Who topped? Cause i'm honestly super curious,"

"I was wondering the same thing, '' Taehyun said, coming up beside Beomgyu. So Yeonjun hadn't denied it? Or maybe they just hadn't had a chance to talk to him yet? Either way Soobin was still going to avoid the hell out of him. The whole meeting, Soobin ignored any eye contact Yeonjun would try and make. And as soon as the meeting ended, Soobin practically ran to join his cabin.

Soobin ignored Yeonjun all through breakfast, morning activities, and lunch, until freetime arrived. When Yeonjun finally caught up with him. Soobin was walking past the cliff towards his cabin, hopefully to catch a nap, when he heard someone call his name.

"Soobs!" He turned to see Yeonjun sitting by the cliff, looking straight at him.

"Come here," Yeonjun motioned for Soobin to sit down beside him, Soobin grudgingly did, plopping beside the dark haired boy.

"I heard something interesting the other day," Yeonjun quipped. Soobin just nodded, already feeling nauseous.

"Something about us fucking In the bathroom," he paused.

"A lovely picture really," Soobin groaned, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry Yeonjun, I know I lied. I just wanted to... we'll I don't know it just kind of slipped out," He weakly explained. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Yeonjun grinning.


"Your adorable,"

"Huh?" Soobin could feel his ears turn red.

"Do you really think I'd be mad at you?" Soobin nodded. What else was he supposed to think?

"Soobin, it's an honor for you to even lie about wanting me in bed. The fact that that's even crossed your mind..." What the hell was this guy talking about?

"Huh?" Yeonjun chuckled, Before leaning in, gently placing his lips on the other boys. Soobin stiffened in surprise, he could feel the world swirling around him. But for this moment, he wasn't apart of it anymore. Slowly Soobin kisses back. Yeonjuns lips were soft, delicate, and he certainly knew how to use them. Without thinking, Soobin buried a hand in Yeonjuns hair, pulling on it slightly to deepen the kiss. Yeonjuns eyes flew open and he pushed away from Soobin. Soobin just sat there, still in shock.

"Did you just try to dominate me?" Soobin could have laughed at the offense in the boy's voice.

"We'll I am bigger than you aren't I?" Soobin smirked.

"Are you talking about size or like... size?"

"Both," Yeonjun was obviously not used to the idea.

"You didn't seem like the type when I first met you, but I guess it makes sense," It was Soobins turn to chuckle at the boy.

"I didn't know kissing was supposed to feel like that?"

"Like what?" Yeonjun asked, he knew what he had felt, but he was curious to know if the other boy had felt the same things.

"You know those merry go round things you used to play on as a kid?" Yeonjun nodded.

"Like when you start slowing down on one of those, and you're starting to feel super dizzy. And then your friend runs up and gives you another big push before you even have time to recuperate. It felt like one of those big pushes that just sends you back into orbit without even giving you time to think,"

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah, I think it is," Soobin looked over at Yeonjun, unsure of what they were supposed to do now. Should he kiss him again? Confess his feelings? What had that kiss even meant?

"So..." all the same thoughts must have been going through Yeonjuns head.

"Please tell me that meant something to you," Soobins heart almost melted at the desperate glimmer in Yeonjuns eyes.

"You're really pretty," Soobin blurted out, before turning away in embarrassment. What was wrong with him? Yeonjun laughed, leaning his head on the others shoulder.

"You're so funny sometimes," He wasn't used to the feeling of having Yeonjun leaning on him. But he knew that he wanted to be. 

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