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The next morning Soobin awoke to the sound of heavy breathing in his ear.

For a split second Soobin thought that maybe it was the grim reaper here to finally take his soul from this cruel world. But when he opened his eyes he was disappointed to see Jungkooks face inches away from the side of his own.

Disappointed and quite scared.

"The hell?" Soobin croaked out, scooting his body away.

"Get up you, you've got to go down to the dinning hall, all the junior counselors have to meet down there in the mornings before breakfast," Soobin sat up, rubbing his eyes, and rolling out of bed.

It took him about five minutes to get ready. But about fifteen minutes of wandering around to get to the dining hall. He still had no idea where he was going.

"Soobin!" Beomgyu cheered as Soobin escaped the cool morning air, entering the hall. Beomgyu eagerly patted the chair next to him, which Soobin gratefully sunk into.

"Took you long enough," Beomgyu jokes.

"Why are we even supposed to be down here?" Soobin questioned.

"I'm not really sure. I remember it was always a big deal as a camper. This whole mystery, what do the junior counselors do at their secret meetings? Eat donuts? Have a huge orgy?"

"Beomgyu, you and your dirty mind better shut the fuck up before I make you," Soobin turned to see a tired girl sit down across from them. She had short blonde hair and was looking way too good for it only being 6:00 in the morning.

"Soobin this is Ryujin, Ryujin this is Soobin," So this was the Ryujin he had heard so much about.

"Nice to meet you, welcome to hell. If you don't think you should be here, wait a few days. That's when it hits,"

"That's cause we're all little shits and belong in hell," Taehyun finished for her, sitting in the seat beside her.

"Morning y'all" he nodded to the group who all nodded back.

"Soobinie!!" Soobin looked up in shock as the door opened and Yeji skipped in with Yeonjun on her heels.

"Umm, good morning?" He was a little surprised by how excited she seemed to see him. Yeji scooted on the other side of Soobin leaving one more small space for Yeonjun. Who sat down a little grudgingly.

"Look at you all, how adorable," Mr. Lee said as he came in from the kitchen.

"Are y'all ready for our first full day?" Mr. Lee raised his arms expecting a cheer, or at least clapping. But no one did, everyone was too tired.

"Well gald to see were all very peppy this morning," he chuckled.

"So this morning well have five different activities for the campers to pick from, and we'll have at least two of you leading each one. So i'll be handing out your assignments now."

The different activities were volleyball, canoeing, crafts, kick ball, archery. Soobin hoped he didn't have to do anything involving sports.

Or the outdoors

Or glue

So none of them. He didn't want to do any of them.

Mr. Lee handed out the assignments and soobin looked at the paper he had been given. He skimmed over the list.

Beomgyu and Ryujin on kick ball, Taehyun and Kai on canoeing, some girls named Yuna on crafts with Taehyung, Chaeryeong on archery with Namjoon, and Yeji, Yeonjun, and himself on volleyball.

Him and Yeonjun

Him, Yeonjun, and volleyball.

All at once.

"We're together!" Yeji squealed, throwing her arm around Soobin, who grinned weakly.

"Sounds great," Yeonjun smirked, making eye contact with Soobin who glowered at him.

"Alright you're cabins should be here any minute for breakfast. Make sure you get to your activities a little early so you can set up,"

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