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"Hey soobin," Soobin looked up from the hose he was using to wash himself off by the side of the cabin. He had successfully been able to wash the majority of the purple out of his hair. He just had to clean off his shoes.

"Hey Beomgyu," He waved as he saw his friend coming up the path to meet him.

"So a bunch of us Junior Counselors are sneaking out and meeting by the cliff tonight, you have to come,"

"S-sneak out? Like breaking the rules?" Beomgyu nodded vigorously.

"Why the hell would I want to do that??"

"Oh come on, it's going to be fun!"

"No way,"

"Please Soobin, you can't get the full camp experience if you don't break a few rules," Soobin rolled his eyes, Knowing Beomgyu won't relent.


"Great! You and Yeonjun can walk down together after lights out,"

"Yeonjuns going to be there?"

"Of course he is. I know you're not complaining though," Beomgyu gave him a weird look.

"What do you mean?" Soobin asked, scrunching his face up in confusion.

"You're too cute, you don't think I wouldn't have noticed you two flirting during the game today?"

"What?! We weren't f-flirting," Soobin spluttered.

"And when you first met, and during hide and seek, and-" Soobin put up his hand.

"We are not flirting. He's the most annoying person i've ever met,"

"Whatever you say," Beomgyu shrugged.

"Just remember, the cliff, after lights out,"

"Okay I got it,"

The night came too quickly for Soobins liking. He stood out on the front cabin porch, shivering in his sweat pants and t-shirt.

"Hey there," He jumped at the sound of Yeonjuns voice. He turned to see him standing there, wearing joggers and a blue hoodie.

He looked hot.

Dear God. Soobin hated that he had just thought that. He shook his head, trying to forget that that idea had ever crossed his mind.

"Didn't think you'd actually come," Yeonjun said, his voice quieter than Soobin had ever heard. It was soft... gentle. Soobin scowled at his remark.

"Can we just go," Yeonjun chuckled at the adorable pout on Soobins lips.

"Sure," The woods were dark except for the faint glimmer of moonlight that would peek through the trees every once and a while. Soobin shivered again in the cool night air. Rubbing at the goosebumps on his arms.

"Are you cold?" Shit. He hadn't wanted Yeonjun to notice. He would probably make a comment about how Soobin should have worn a jacket or-

With a light thump something soft landed on Soobins head. Reaching up Soobin saw that it was Yeonjuns sweatshirt.

"Hey, you can't give me this," Soobin protested. Trying to hand it back to Yeonjun who just ignored him. Keeping his eyes ahead of him, and his hands in his pockets. Reluctantly Soobin pulled the soft material over his head. It smelled nice, which Soobin wished made him mad, but it didn't. It made him blush, which he hated.

"Why are we even going to the cliff?" Yeonjun shrugged.

"To talk, maybe play spin the bottle or truth or dare. Mostly just for the fun of sneaking out though,"

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