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"So where were you?" Beomgyu questioned skeptically as the two boys sat side by side in the large sports field. The sun was starting to set below the trees, casting a glow of orange across the whole camp. The cabin competition that night was an ultimate frisbee tournament. And both of their cabins were eliminated in the first few rounds, so now they were just chilling and watching the few lasting cabins compete.

"Uhhh.. I was washing my hands," Soobin mumbled.

"For the entirety of dinner?"

"Yeah?" Beomgyu looked at him, obviously not buying it.

"They were really dirty,"

"From what? Touching Yeonjuns-"

"Beomgyu! Why would you think something like that?"

"It's just the way my mind works," Beomgyu held his hands up in defense. The older buried his head in his hands in embarrassment.

"Okay but for real though, somethings going on between you too,"

"We're just..." friends didn't seem the right word to describe Yeonjun and Soobins relationship. It was strange, a mixed up mess of emotions, resentment, but now apparently something else. Something Soobin had never really experienced before.

"So what's up with you and Soobin?" Taehyun asked Yeonjun on the other side of the field. Their cabins were waiting to face off against each other in the tournament.

"What do you mean," Yeonjun replied nonchalantly.

"You know what I mean. You haven't been able to leave him alone ever since he got here. And then y'all were late to dinner, and you were obviously doing something together..."

"What are you implying Taehyun," Yeonjun rolled his eyes, turning to face the other boy.


"Let me guess you wanted to know if I had Soobins big dick inside of me a few minutes ago?" Taehyun shrugged, refusing to make eye contact.

"You really think I'd be in such good condition? Plus I prefer the idea of having him under me,"

"It was a yes or no question Yeonjun, don't be TMI," Yeonjun snickered, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander. As soon as he had seen Soobin get off that bus on the first day, something about him drew Yeonjun in. Maybe it was the way he carried himself. Despite his shy and reserved personality, Soobin carried himself like he was the king of the world. And everyone else around him was simply a peasant or bystander. He gave off big main character vibes.

The only problem was Yeonjuns inability to express his emotions. But he had made up his mind, he was interested in Soobin and he was ready to do something about it. He just had to figure out how first.

Mr.Lee had thought it was an amazing idea to do a night swim in the lake that night. Soobin hated swimming, and Yeji had so graciously let him share her towel. So now the two of them were sitting on the shore watching the kids and a few of the counselors play in the water.

"So... nice sweatshirt," Soobin looked down surprised by the comment. Until he noticed what sweatshirt he was wearing. It was Yeonjuns blue one, he hadn't even realized he had grabbed it.


"I remember Yeonjun let me borrow his a few summers ago," she remarked nonchalantly.

"Cool," Soobin muttered, he didn't like where this was going.

"Just heads up Soobin, Yeonjun and I have been a thing for a while now. And I intend to keep it that way, I wouldn't want you getting your feelings hurt," Soobins eyebrows shot up. Normally he would ignore that kind of thing, but for some reason, her words pissed him off.

"Actually Yeji," Soobin turned to her, something was boiling up inside him. Something that felt new and unusual.

"It just so happens that the reason Yeonjun and I were late to dinner," He leaned in a little closer. His eyes narrowing.

"Was because we were fucking," This of course was not true. But Yeji didn't know that, and of course Soobin didn't think that his words might possibly snowball into something much bigger than he wanted. But of course they did.

"You told me you didn't!!" Soobin jumped turning to see Beomgyu drying himself off.


"What's going on?" Ryujin asked, overhearing the commotion.

"Nothing!" Soobin held his hands up trying to drive her away.

"Yeonjun and Soobin had sex," Beomgyu said loudly. So loudly that Kai, who was sitting a little ways away, choked on the soda he was drinking. Soobin buried his head in his hands.

"Hey Yeonjun!" Soobin's head shot up and he saw Beomgyu approaching the older boy. Soobin staggered to his feet, looking down at the stunned and angry look on Yejis face and decided that the best idea would be to run away. Very, very fast.

AN: Sorry it took so long but here's the next chapter! I kind of forgot about this so i will try and update more frequently and be more active. Hope you all enjoyed and please comment, vote, and follow me if you liked it! love you and thanks for the support <3 (also I finally met another kpop fan at school and I am so hyped)

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