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 To make the prospects of volleyball even worse, it was beach volleyball, on the beach of the lake, in the sand. Soobin hated sand, it got everywhere, and was hard to wash out of his hair. The three of them worked together to set up the volleyball net, Yeonjun making sure to drop plenty of the parts on Soobins feet as they went along.

"Have you ever played before?" Yeji asked Soobin, he nodded. He had played it at school during gym class. He could only remember getting hit in the face about a hundred times and sucking so bad that his team had complained to the coach who finally gave in and told Soobin to sit out for the rest of the game.

But sure yeah he had played before.

The campers came up from the dining hall, shouting excitedly to one another. Soobin could feel his palms sweating. He really did not like sports.

"Hey Soobs!" Soobin looked up at the sound of the detestable nic name. As soon as he turned around a volleyball flew towards his face.

"AHHHH!" He screamed and spun out of the way, the volleyball hitting the ground a few feet away and ruling off towards the lake.

"What the fuck are you trying to decapitate me?" He yelled at Yeonjun.

"To be fair I was aiming for your balls,"

"You're mentally ill," Soobin groaned at him. Yeji meanwhile was attempting to gather all the children to attention single handedly. Soobin pushed past the chuckling Yeonjun to help her.

Volleyball was a mess of the campers not understanding the rules and Yeonjun spiking the ball right beside Soobin every chance he got. Soobin was pretty sure he was going to have trauma from volleyball for the rest of his life. Or maybe just from Yeonjun.

Both were equally bad.

"You know Yeonjun isn't that bad," Yeji bumped Soobins shoulder as the two of them walked back to the dining hall together. Yeonjun had walked back with the campers, leaving the other two to put up the net.

"Could have fooled me," Soobin mumbled.

"I don't see why all of you think he's so great, he's really mean.. And annoying,"

"There's a lot more to Yeonjun than he lets people see," Yeji said

"But if you ask me, I think he just wants your attention,"

"Huh?" She shrugged, acting nonchalant but Soobin could tell she was holding back a smile.

"You heard me," Soobin shook his head.

"If you're implying what I think your implying it's incorrect,"

"I've known Yeonjun forever, and he's one of my best friends. I think I have a pretty good grasp of how he works," Yeji waved and ran off to join her cabin as they approached the dining hall, leaving Soobin in confusion.

"And then I let go and BOMB bullseye!" Soobin nodded, chewing his burger as he listened to Jake excitedly retell his story from archery that morning.

"Calm down Jake, a bullseye isn't that big of a deal," Sunghoon muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Yes it is!" Soobin continued to soulessly chew as the two boys argued.

"What are we doing next?" Asahi leaned over Jake to ask him.

"Ummm," Soobin mentally thought back to the schedule he had received earlier.

"Cabin competitions, than swimming,"

"Oooh Cabin competitions are intense, they get super competitive!" Sunghoon exclaimed excitidily.

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