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Author's POV

Hizashi leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Aizawa's forehead. He sat with his back against the headboard, with Aizawa's head on his lap sleeping. He was running his hand through his hair as he thought through the situation that had happened. There was a reason he didn't usually have Mineta watch over anyone that came in, but he had not expected it to go so south. He had not expected Mineta to try what he had but, if there was one thing Hizashi knew, Kaminari would never let Mineta off alive for this.


Kaminari was not a violent person. He did not kill for the hell of it, and preferred to handle the less bloody side of the jobs they did. He was called in for negotiations, and business deals, he did not handle the torture or murder associated with being in the mafia.

All that to say that to say that the fact that Mineta was chained up in a torture room with Kaminari ment he had royally fucked up. There was little in this world that passed Kaminari off more than rape. He knew what it was like to live without having any say in what happened to you. He knew the hopelessness and the pain that came from being trapped in a situation that you never even wanted to be a part of is awful. As Kaminari stared at the sniveling form hanging from the roof in front of him, he felt no pity. Not an ounce of empathy could be found for him.

"Kaminari don't do this,"' Mineta cried, "Untie me and we can both have some fun," he leered. Kaminari's gaze hardened. Obviously Mineta didn't know when enough was enough because all he was doing was digging himself a deeper grave. "We could both have a go at the new pet. I mean boss wouldn't say no to both of us wanting a pie-"


He was cut off by a scream when a knife was plunged into his arm. When Mineta finally met Kaminari's eyes he froze, the amount of pure loathing visible was bone chilling.

"In the time that you have known me," Kami said, pulling the knife from Mineta's arm, "What made you think I would EVER take someone's dignity like that?" Mineta couldn't help but flinch at the amount of venom in his voice. "You will not be making it out of this room alive."

Before Mineta had the chance to object, he was screaming once more as a knife was plunged into his left thigh, followed by on to the right thigh. Another knife was grabbed and used to repeatedly slash across his chest, leaving little exposed skin unmarred. When his chest was more blood than skin, Kami put down the knife and walked over the wall to grab a barbed whip. He walked behind the prisoner and began to whip him, each strike tearing through his skin like butter.

After 20 minutes of repeated whipping Kami stopped, listening to the wheezing breaths of Mineta. He walked around him, to make sure he was still awake for the final. He was, though barely. Kami dropped the whip and walked back around to the front wall, where he grabbed a castrator. He smiled as he watched as understanding slowly crept across Mineta's face. The final was going to be the revenge for what could have happened to Aizawa.

⚠️Warning Over⚠️


As Kaminari Knocked on the door to Hizashi's room, he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. Yes, he wasn't one for violence usually, he would never put up with anything like what Mineta did.

"Come in," Came Hizashi's voice from inside the room. As Kaminari entered the room, his smile softened when he saw Aizawa curled around Lunar while half lying on Hizashi's lap. He had never seen his boss so soft before. He had seen him care for others on his side, had watched him take care of them, but never had he seen the soft affection that seemed to light up his eyes when he looked down at Aizawa.

"I came to report on the status of the prisoner if you would like to know, boss," Kami explained. He watched the protectiveness flash across Hizashi's face before he settled on a neutral expression.

"Give me a brief explanation please."

"Well, the short of it is that he is dead, the long part of it is the fact that he seems to have bleed out via mutilation of his groin," Kaminari's sly smile returned when he saw the malicious smile spread across Hizashi's face.

"Good riddance then, you're free to go Kaminari. Kirishima was worried about you," Hizashi said, leaning back against the headboard, eyes closed. Kami bowed his head and left.


Sorry about the wait, my laptop kinda broke and it took forever for me to get it fixed. Also, for future and past reference, if it says luke somewhere it is probably meant to be like, I just can't spell and can't be bothered to beta read things. Anyway, the goal from now on is to post a chapter every weekend. I'm not saying it will happen or that I might not post more than that, just that this is what I will try and do.



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