Zombie Apocalypse

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Crazy man and a woman decide to try and further the spread of the disease and stay alive, only to get infected themselves, have some sort of crazy romance that I barely remember and it was mainly off-screen stuff, only for the dude to basically backstab the girl and want to kill her and eat her alive.

A majority of it took place in the factory, and the attempted cannibalism of the girl happened in an area where basically infected people were getting sent off to sea on floating shipping containers.
They both fell into the ocean and drowned

Transition to me, in a city where the infectious disease is actually being handled properly. But unfortunately, it's slowly slipping into the city because zombie infections always do that.
And would you look at that, it's something completely unheard of. People getting evacuated from a city early on.
Wow, I guess the government just didn't completely ignore the signs

I'm leaving a coffee shop with my stuff, that way I can start again in a new city.
Once again, I am outside a factory warehouse that looks an awful lot like the one where the romance shit happened.

I informed the customs officer who happens to be Nicole Byre that I am a full-time student who does art on the side. I'm allowed to pass.

Jacksepticeye is in the airport for moral support, which is fuckin dope.

I finally boarded the plane, and for some reason, the seats are not the kind of seats that will be used in an airline, they are auditorium seats.

We're all probably going to die if this plane goes down.

I sit down in my seat, then I'm completely submerged in that overwhelming feeling that this plane is going to crash, and everyone else is going to die since somebody on this plane has the infection and is going to turn mid-flight causing said plane crash cuz they attack the pilot and co-pilot.

This is why people get tested for the zombie virus before being let into the quarantined human safe zones that are inevitably going to crumble because somebody has the fuckin virus and sneaks into the city leading to the collapse of human civilization, and the main characters escape the city, kicking some undead ass, but one of the lovable characters got scratched and the team notices they got scratched and it's a tender moment where the lovable character does the whole "stay away from me" thing to their childhood best friend/love interest, says some sort of positive line that is such a them thing to say, and tells everybody to run while they sacrifice themself, and their friend/love interest tries to grab them, but the stoic character pulls them away, both of them with tears in their eyes, no sound from the scene is playing cuz drama, and there is this dramatic music that is very emotional. It’s probably guitar.

I can smell that shit on the horizon.

Then my brain decides to leave me on a cliffhanger, like an asshole

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