Sugar 2045

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I awakened feeling weak, in this old couples house on a bed. They gave me some ramen and nursed me back to health.

I'm in this strange game where the style changes along with the objectives.

The objective is to parkour across a variety of obstacles to get to the end of the level.

But at some points I find myself in a sort of Fran Bow style point and click game.
I know that something is wrong with this old couple, and I need to escape them.

Transition back to the parkour game, I reach the end of the level where you will find a random animal. This animal was a Bulldog who was very sweet.

 This animal was a Bulldog who was very sweet

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I turn around and am greeted with these rows of people who are just muttering things, until a different voice cuts through the droning.
I look around and see a teenage boy with fabulous makeup.
"Wait, you're actually talking?"
"Well duh."
"What is this?"
"I don't know, but you're not looking so hot."
It then occurs to me that this is probably a weird simulation of sorts.

I jump off of the platforms and into the abyss.
I'm now greeted with another parkour level and my objective is to collect four coins.
After a few times I managed to get them all, and am back in the point and click game.

I'm in an enclosed space with a fire, there are spider webs everywhere, and I can see the shadow of the old woman retreating.
Moving around, I see dead snakes.
I take one of them in case I need meat for my journey.
I can see something poking through some of the spider webs, which I remove.
The bulldog is there, fast asleep. I wake him up, and his neck is longer and skinnier than before.
There's a zig zagging scar going from the top of his head to the back of his neck.

The old woman has done something to this bulldog in the past.
But it doesn't matter right now.
We have to get going, we have to get out of here.

We leave this cave and it's a top-down pixelated game set in the mountains.

The dog is still with me, and after some exploring, we come across some other people who were victims that managed to escape, but were too scared to go further into the mountains.
After some encouraging we all decide to actually get the fuck out of here and preferably report all this shit to the authorities.

We come across some old dilapidated barn, and SOMEONE in the group tripped something that caused a cutscene to occur.
Taki from Friday Night Fever was assumed to be dead for years, but she's back.
That one person tripping awakened her.

In the cutscene, she goes through all of her weapons and her secret little stash in a silo, and grabs her chainsaw which she melds with the sword.

So now we're running through the woods trying to survive the elements, the old couple, and a crazy religious chainsaw wielding nun that's an alien

We finally make it out of the woods, and up some of the mountain to get a better view.
There's a road.
We run to it as quickly as we can, and start walking down it.

There's a car coming.
We flag it down.

They stop say "Jesus Christ! What the hell happened to you guys?"
"It's really long story, which we should report to the police."

After this, the game closes, revealing the name of the game.

Sugar 2045

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