Gay Alta

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The whole thing was Avatar the Last Airbender, the whole gang was on a fire nation battleship with Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai and Kyoshi came out and told Azula that she had to work on her connection with others lest she end up alone forever and she panicked and burned some people out of fear, ran off, Katara healed some people Katara went to check on her and they ended up becoming a lesbian power couple that helped put the war to an end.

Azula also taught Katara how to do makeup and and return Katara taught Azula how to do her hair.
It was very sweet.

Ozai's face was the equivalent of the shocked Pikachu meme and was hilarious when he found out that both his kids not only rebelled against him and the fire nation, but also ended up in a queer relationship with people from the southern water tribe.

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