But I Think I Just Did .

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My stomach. My stomach felt like it was upside down but in a good way. I had told Becky to meet me at the end of the C train, of course taking it uptown. There I would be waiting for her. The train had taken a while, I had calculated it would take about twenty to thirty minutes to arrive. I mean without train traffic or any sick passengers on the way here. Which , of course, doesn't happen often. Once I had seen the train arrive I was waiting for her in the station. Even before she could loose service while being on the train I had texted her that once she had arrived she should be able to meet me at the elevator, the only elevator. I waited and waited for what had felt like forever, except it's only been three whole minutes. 'Three Whole Minutes' I repeated , but this time out loud .

"Talking to yourself again ?" I heard the beautiful voice of her say to me. It was as if the simple sound of her voice made my heart dance. 'Of course Austin you would talk to yourself again and make her think you're just some weirdo' I told myself, feeling embarrassed. Usually I wouldn't care what people heard me saying, or if they thought I was some weird dude.

But with her, with Becky it was hard to not care. Making an impression on her mattered. Her company mattered to me. I was comfortable and pleased with her company in a way that made me want to spend every second of every minute with her. "Uggh, great. Embarrassing myself in front of you again." I blushed shyly. Running my hand through my hair I heard a small giggle. It had slipped out of her beautiful lips, "Austin you didn't embarrass yourself, I actually think it's cute." She smiled.

I had a huge grin spread across my face. Im pretty sure I was red too. My favorite color, ha. While we waited for the next A train to arrive, we had a little conversation, mostly about things we were afraid of. We had also slipped in a little but of music talk, which we both enjoyed.

I've never actually found someone wha has loved music with the same passion as I did. And I could swear to you that in that very moment my feelings for her were stronger than the minute I laid eyes on her.

As we arrived to the restaurant I planned to take her to, I'd hoped she'd love it. Becky, being Mexican, would enjoy some food from where she's from. Or at least that's what came to my mind. "Mi Pueblito." She read. "Mexican food?" She looked over at me as if she was asking me, I nodded.

"I wasn't sure what we could do for our first date, and then-" I passed my hand through my hair trying not to blush at the way she's looking at me, that was impossible. "First date?" she smiled, 'shoot fxck ughh all Im hoping is that I'm not red again' I thought closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

I heard her giggle once again. "Im messing with you, Austin Mexican food for our First date, sounds great ." She passed by me opening the door to go in. She said it, she , it's our first date. I still couldn't believe my ears, I stood there like an idiot but it didn't matter. Maybe after all I wasn't the only one thinking this as a first date . I thought.

Dinner with Becky was splendid. She had order something called 'Enmoladas' which I also had to order giving the fact that I couldn't pronounce half the plates on the menu. It was delicious, Becky laughed at me trying to pronounce the names of these delicious Mexican plates.

"You did horribly on almost half of them." She laughed, picking up her 'Jarito de Piña' to take a sip out of it. "But for my what ? First time, you gotta admit it was pretty good." I smirked.

"Yeah ok, keep telling yourself that." She laughed. Gosh, she was even more beautiful when she laughed. I couldn't help but just stare at her because every detail on her face made my heart melt. She was the only thing that was on my mind, I could only focus on her and her only. It was like as if everything around us had disappeared and it was just the two of us. Gosh, but God she was so beautiful. I could and I would sit here all day just looking at her.

"You're so beautiful..." I whispered under my breath. It had gotten quite for a small while making it easy for her to listen to what I had just said. When she realized what I had said she looked down at her lap and smiled. "Austin." I heard her say to me looking up from her lap.

Our eyes met. "You are." I smiled as my eyes got lost in hers. I couldn't really tell but we were getting closer to each other and I met my lips with her. I felt her hand place itself on my chest pushing her self back, but the emotion felt so real she let it be. I knew she felt the same way I felt for her.

As her top lip overlapped with mine I placed my right hand over the side of her face. I rubbed my thumb over her cheek. It was a slow kiss, but for me it went by too fast. We separated ourselves but I held her face in my hands, I looked into her eyes , giving her a kiss on her forehead I said, "They say you can't fall in love this quickly, but I think I just did."

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