Til I Find You

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I thought about her. Her smile, her style. She was different and that's what I liked about her. I needed to see her. But I needed to try and be patient with her.

I kept thinking about her until I got interrupted by the buzz of my phone. It was AC. I hadn't realized it was already 8:10 and I needed to be on my way already. I grabbed my phone to text AC back and tell him I was on my way.

And with that I grabbed my backpack and skateboard to head out the door. I stopped by the mirror to style up my wet shower hair.


"Hey man!" I heard AC say as he walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "You took a while." He laughed. We started walking over to Mickey D's. I needed to get my mind off of her because chances are I might never see her again. She was beautiful but broken.

"Dude. Dude. " AC called over me tapping my arm. I was so focused on the possibilities of ever seeing her again I wasn't listening to Alex. "Hey, you alright man ?" He asked when I could finally hear him . He stared at me with a concerned face as we walked through the empty sidewalk.

I shook my head 'yeah' but Alex had already turned to watch his step. "Yeah, I- I'm alright." I said slowly trying to stop thinking. Mostly about her. I told myself I needed to stop getting my hopes up for someone who I barely know. That I needed to just get over it. AC opened the door, "Thanks, what a gentleman." I laughed, AC rolling his eyes at me.

"Well I mean of course , ladies first ." He replied trying to get back at me . I gave him a small laugh. We walked up ready to order but I wasn't hungry. Not yet. "Whatchu ordering?" He asked. I looked up at all the different types of breakfast choices but none of them made me want to crave them.

"No, I don't- don't think I'll be getting anything." I responded patting him on the back. "I'll just be over here, alright ?" I left to grab both of us some seats but on my way there I had bumped into the only thing on my mind this morning. "Uhh my bad." I said touching her waist to push myself through a small space to get to the seats I had picked.

She stared at me as I walked by her without trying to get to talk to her. Guess it was a surprise for her that I didn't even say hi. "It's alright," she said turning around towards me, "Umm Austin right?" She asked. I nodded at the sound of my name slipping out of her red filled lips. I looked at them biting mine.

It was hard to resist to her. Something about her made me feel a type of way that I've never felt before. "Look," she started as she walked over me and played with her fingers , letting me know she was nervous , but it looked cute, "sorry for what happened the other day, it wasn't my intention to judge you that quickly." She gave me a crooked smile , "anyways," she sighed, "that was all." Turning on her heels she left.

I looked down at the table still thinking of what I should've said to her. Even tho she had left. Hopefully I'll see her soon again. I picked my head up to have my eyes meet with a short Alex struggling with his breakfast . I laughed a little, "Do you need help with that man?" I waved a hand at him as he kept walking.

"Nahh , Im alright." He said
finally placing his food on our table . "Well, " he wiped his forehead with his hand, "you sure you don't wanna eat anything? " he asked . While he was sitting down I nodded no, still wasn't hungry.

As Alex ate I thought about what I should do after to get her off my mind . I looked out the window in the back of me. It looked clean but if you looked closer like I did you could tell that whoever had down this was too lazy to clean it correctly. I thought about the window, for a while. After that moment I rolled my eyes at how dumb of me to get distracted that easily with a nearly cleaned window. "Atleast she was out of my mind for a small while." I said aloud causing Alex to ask me what I was talking about. "You seem thoughtful this morning." He said raising his pinky out as he took a sip of his orange juice through his straw. I laughed at him, "Dude, don't ever do that again." I shook my had as I kept laughing.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!?" we turned to face the person who had interrupted out laughs. Both ACs' and my face looked up at Angelina. Her brows her raised as she smiled at us. Angelina is pretty, AC says that she has a "thing" for me. Truth is she probably does, but I don't have any intentions to have something like that with her. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing person I've just never felt something other than friendship for her. "What is it that has both of you so happy today?" She placed a hand on my shoulder. AC motioned his eyes at her hand give me the "see? she likes you" look. I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing actually." I said removing her hand off my shoulder. "Im gonna get going AC, heard you and Samantha were going to spend some quality time together." I teased him moving my eyebrows up and down because we all knew what quality time with Alex and Samantha would probably be like. "Oh my god, just leave." He said looking down at his plate laughing, while gathering all his trash to throw away.

"Alright Buddie. " I tapped his back a couple times. I was already walking over towards the exit but Angelina was calling behind me. "Where you going?" She questioned. "If you don't have plans maybe we could go ice skating, it's only a couple blocks away." It was a couple blocks away, but a long walk with Angelina wouldn't really be something I'd enjoy. I wasn't even in the mood to do anything. " We could take the train though, I don't think walking sounds good to me right now." She smiled at me and chained her arm with mine. Like I said I didn't feel like doing anything but I agreed to go either way.

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