|☆|Chapter 4|☆|

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As soon as everyone had been seated, the entrance to the kitchen had unlocked. Iggy beckoned, from the door, for someone to help carry the plates of food. Rising from their seats, Fang and Gazzy made their way to the kitchen and carried dinner to the dining table while Iggy made his way to his seat. Once the food was placed on the table, and everyone was seated again, dinner had finally begun.

"Not gonna lie Ig, this food smells soooo good" Gazzy complimented, already digging into his plate. "It even looks as amazing as it smells!" Nudge added as she filled her glass with orange juice from the pitcher. Max chuckled as she watched the younger ones stuff their faces to their heart's content. "You've outdone yourself Iggy, as usual" She said, looking towards him with a smile.

Iggy gave a simple nod as he began to eat. He could practically hear the smile in her voice. Chatter soon erupted around the table, everyone picking up where they left off with older conversations or starting new ones. Though, Iggy "hardly" listened. Rather, he was almost too focused on a certain someone's voice. Fang, who used to be a man of little speech, was chatting up a storm.

He talked with Gazzy about the work he had done with the other clans and tribes. He chatted with Nudge about how her teachings were going with some of the aquatics. He had even begun some playful banter with Max. Iggy, though absolutely expressionless, was purely delighted to hear him talk. Only, he wished Fang would talk to him more. Or maybe even more impossible, he wanted Fang to see him. He often wondered if Fang ever felt anything more than "brotherly love" towards him.

'Why don't you find out? Go on Ig, ask him.' Iggy twitched, realizing Angel was listening in on his thoughts. 'Damnit Angel, get out of my head. Let my thoughts be my own.' He thought, wanting to have some peace away from her "influence". 'Awe come on Iggy, I have to have some fun with my powers. After all, I am stronger than the lot of you combined.' She sent back at him. 'Oh shut up already. Nobody likes an entitled brat.' Iggy thought, smirking when he heard her let out a small scoff. With his appetite now ruined, Iggy began to pick at the contents of his plate. A blank stare crossed upon his features as he began to zone out into mindless thought. Taking notice, Fang paused his playful banter with Max and turned to face Iggy. "Hey Ig, you good?" He asked, a slight cautionary tone within his voice.

Iggy snapped out from his mindless thinking, "Hmm? Oh, yeah....I'm alright. Just a bit tired from making dinner." He carefully got up from his seat and popped his back, which had let out a sickening snap. "I think I'm just going to retire for the night. Nudge, it's your turn to do the dishes tonight" He says, shuffling his way towards the stairs. Nudge began her complaining, about how it wasn't fair and that Gazzy should do it. This sparked a fight to break out that Iggy did not pay any mind to. Fang followed Iggy to the stairs and leaned against the bottom of the railing, watching as Iggy trudged his way up the stairs. "Hey, I know I am not the best with emotional talks.....but if you ever need to get something off your chest, let me know," he said in a rare, softer tone. Iggy gave a weak chuckle, "Fang, I can assure you I'm fine, just a little tired. Anyways.....have a goodnight." Iggy then continued up the stairs without another word. "Goodnight.....Iggy" Fang muttered, his voice just above a whisper. He turned his attention away from the blind man and back to the brawl between Nudge and Gazzy, hoping to separate them before something breaks.


|☆|End Of Chapter 4|☆|

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