|☆|Chapter 1|☆|

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Darkness. All he could see was darkness. It was comforting in a way, being surrounded by a warm void. Dreaming never lasts long in this place, reality likes to seep in without a second thought. But it's truly comfortable in the eye of the beholder.

A soft voice called out from beyond the realm of dreams, "Fang".........."Faaaaang?"......................"Come on, we've gotta head back home soon" 

Fang's eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting as soon as the bright sunlight invaded his vision. Shielding his eyes from the blinding light, he sat up and began to rub away the sleep from them. Looking around, Fang took in his surroundings from where he had awoken. Just North of him were the mountains, cliffs, and meadows. To the East and West were dense forests and hunting lands. Lastly towards the south was the vast oceans with various other islands, both large and small alike.

Feeling a hand rest upon his shoulder, he looked up at the being next to him. "There you are. Jesus its so hard to find you without that white shirt on." Iggy said with a small laugh. Fang smirked lightly at his comment, "Well it's not my fault you're blind as a bat! Did you really need to wake me up at this hour?" Iggy just laughed and shook his head, giving Fang a whack on the side of the head with the back of his hand, "You know it isn't up to me, it's up to Max. Besides, I don't know the time of day you idiot. Now come on, lets go back now that you're awake."

Fang snickered and got up, guiding Iggy back to his guidance rope, "Alright alright, no need to get your wings in a bunch." Iggy grab hold of the rope carefully, walking with ease as the rope lead him towards their home. The rope consisted of various long pieces of seaweed, dried and braided into easy to use rope. Each piece was connected via knots made when tying an end piece together. They symbolized, in a way, check points for Iggy by letting him know just how far he is from where he needs to be or wants to go. Fang followed behind lazily, looking up ahead as the house came into view. 

It was a simple structure. Three stories high with a few large windows on the first and third floors. The look of it was that of a log cabin. A few balconies at each of the the third and second floor windows with a wrap around porch on the first floor. There were about three or four large separated gardens in the backyard, all having a mesh fence around them. Connected to all parts of the house were guidance ropes with objects that corresponded with what destinations they lead to. 

Fang's lips quirked into a small smirk like smile and looked over to Iggy, "So how's the beast of a leader?" Iggy shook his head as he snickered, "Oh the usual. Always paranoid about nothing, swearing up and down that the school is some how still in working condition after all these years. Not to mention, wanting to always control us so she can feel like a functional leader."

Fang smacked Iggy upside the head while laughing, "Oh don't be so rude! She isn't THAT controlling!" Iggy rubbed his head as a half-assed scowl formed on his face. "Jesus! I was just kidding, don't take it so personally. You're not Max! Besides, how could you 'abuse' me so harshly?! I'm telling on you!" He complained as his head throbbed, a hint of whining showing in his voice. Fang simply rolled his eyes and ushered Iggy towards the front door.


|☆|End Of Chapter 1|☆| 

Fang x Iggy Slow BurnWhere stories live. Discover now