|☆|Chapter 10|☆|

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'God dammit Max. Damn your dirty clothes. Damn your incessant need to show off your physical prowess. Damn you, Damn you, Damn you!!'

To say in a few short words, Iggy was not having a good time. Not only did everyone decide to horde their clothes together for so long, but god did they reek. Especially Max's, which smelled almost as bad as the boy's gym lockers when they went to that "high school". No...No never mind...It was definitely much worse. Iggy cursed under his breath, hating how much his sense of smell had improved from his loss of sight. Sometimes he wished that he could be "nose blinde" when it comes to washing Max's clothes. Though, Angel's were not any better. What with her constant diving into the aquatic's territory and coming back in either sea crusted or sandy clothes.

Iggy forcefully dunked the last of the nasty clothes into the sudsy water. He scowled as he emptied the last of his homemade cleaner into the tub. It had taken all 6 of the jarred cleaner just to wash all of their clothes. To think that it usually only took one jar to clean two peoples worth of laundry, was unfathomable. To say the least, Iggy was very...very unhappy. He was always saddled with the flock's chores. Maybe he will just spend a week with the Canowicakte. Leave the flock to do things themselves for once. Scrubbing the last of the laundry against the washboard furiously, Iggy perked up at the sound of running footsteps. Footsteps that were getting closer by the second. Iggy's scowl faded into a smile, knowing that the owner of these running footsteps were of no threat to him.

"GENTLE CRIA!!" A small (yet quite excited) voice rang out, a series of squeals and giggles erupting afterward. "Little Cub! So good to hear from you again!" Iggy said, hearing the running slow to a stop. Small arms wrapped around his shoulders and squeezed, Iggy letting out a soft laugh at the sudden hug. Little Cub was a child, possibly no older than 5 or 6. His tribe was from the hunting lands, one of the tribes that had taught Iggy their knowledge. Though he could not see Little Cub, he knew that he was a Canowicakte. He had fur all over parts of his body, fur that was much softer than that of the adult tribe members. Even had claws that were far sharper than the adults' because of the lack of use. Little Cub nuzzled his head into Iggy's shoulder, "Mama had permitted the visit to Gentle Cria! We ever so miss you. The other tribes as well!" Little Cub then tilted his head up to Iggy, "Are you within the process of cleansing the cloth?"

Iggy raised a hand and laid it gently upon Little Cub's head, making the hair a little wet from the excess water. He patted his head as he nodded, "Indeed I am. Would you be so generous as to hang the cleansed ones upon the line?" Little Cub nodded quickly, letting out an excited "mhmm!" before releasing Iggy from the hug. The young "hunter" then raised to his feet and hurried over to the pile of freshly washed clothes. They had been placed atop the box containing the (now empty) jarred cleaner, as to not dirty them again. Grabbing the clothing carefully, Little Cub began to hang them along the line. The young "hunter" used half split, thick pieces of twig or thick wood chips to keep them pinned to the line. "Papa also wishes to be in your presence again! He forever remembers your talentedness in making feasts," he rambled, his excitement being quite infectious to Iggy.

"Well when shall I come? I wouldn't want to trouble your clan in guiding me" Iggy said, his heart swelling with happiness at the compliment. "Papa wishes it to be within the next moon. Not the moon of this dusk, but the next one. Mama even hopes to gift more knowledge to you then as well!" Little Cub was an absolute ball of joy, his childhood innocence being something that Iggy wished would stay forever. There was a small feeling of envy that resided in the back of his mind. He envied that the young boy could see...that he could experience his childhood to the fullest. Something that Iggy never got...something none of the other flock members got. But at least they had been able to keep their sight, unlike him. Yet despite this envy, he never could bring himself to hate Little Cub. Rather, Iggy wanted to protect this young one as best he could.

Iggy chuckled, handing the last of the washed clothes to Little Cub. "Then I shall be there. May you send a guide or two to aid me in my travels?" Iggy asked, knowing that the wild boar in their lands would be the most danger he would face. Little Cub, after hanging the wet cloth upon the line, grabbed the wooden tub. "Of course! Anything for Gentle Cria! I shall empty this into the pit. Do you wish for more assistance?" He asked with a big smile. Iggy carefully arose from his sitting position and shook his head softly, "No...but many thanks to you, Little Cub. Only set the tub upon the back steps when finished, then head on back to announce the news to your papa. And remember to be careful on your way back, okay?"

Little Cub gave a sound of approval in his tribes' native tongue, then hurried off to finish the task at hand. Iggy then began to grab around for the guiding rope, soon acquiring it and starting on his way back. He rather enjoyed it when the Canowicakte sent him invites. Whatever the invites were, from going on a hunting spree to simply joining them for dinner, Iggy always greatly accepted them. They were always such kind gestures that made him feel like he was wanted.

When Iggy eventually made it back to the house, he could feel the sun upon his skin. Likely it would be around 10 or so in the morning. But unless someone informed him of what the sundial said, then this would merely be speculation. Fang won't be back till later, and who knows when the other flock members will be on their way. But while Iggy wished for some help in his chores, he rather enjoyed the peace and quiet before they came back. Letting out a grumble, Iggy trudged his way back into the house and to the stairs. There was still more work to be done and he had only just begun.

'This...,' he thought, 'is going to take a while.'


|☆|End Of Chapter 10|☆|

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