|☆|Chapter 8|☆|

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Once Iggy got to the bottom of the staircase, he lazily called up to Fang...who was still awestruck, "Come on dumbass, we have things to get done today. No time for your self pity." Fang, upon hearing this, snapped back to reality with enough force to cause some form of whiplash. "Uh...y-yeah, what did you have in mind?" He asked, still in a slight stupor from the previous verbal beat down.

"Funny you should ask. Since nobody actually views me as one of the leaders, or as anything that involves the stuff that you and Max do, I have house work that needs finishing. Like one of those old 1950's house-wives. You on the other hand need to do border checks and gather herbs for the medical teams of each clan." Iggy then rambled further as he felt his way towards the back door, "Before you go however, I need you to grab everyone's dirty laundry. Then if you would be a dear, can you also bring the washboard and wooden tubs to the back yard?"

Iggy barely heard Fang utter an "mhmm" before the sound of his footsteps made their way up the stairs. He soon felt the glass window panes of the back door, then exiting into the gentle breeze of the morning. He could hear the songs of birds nearby as he grabbed around for the guiding rope to the clothing lines. Feeling the dried seaweed upon his fingertips, and hearing the sound of cloth fluttering in the breeze, he then grabbed the rope and made his way towards the clothing lines. Nudge and Max had enscripted some assistance from the other tribes to make these clothing lines. They were made of long strips of birch tree bark for the lines, and tall wooden poles made from discarded pieces of scrap logs. Also, because of the damn apocalypse, there was obviously no detergent. However, thanks to some teachings that Iggy had received from the hunting tribes of the west (the Canowicakte), he had learned of a way to clean their clothes well enough to wear again.

Within these teachings, he had learned of a plant by the name of "Soapwort" that could be mixed with either water or wood-ash and animal fat to make a form of "soap". So with this newfound knowledge, Iggy had had Fang collect the soapwort leaves while the flowers were in bloom. Where then, following the directions from the Canowicakte, Iggy was able to make a form of cleaner. Boiling the leaves in about a quart of water, with bits of lavender and pine needles, had led to this creation of a version of "soap". Mixed with a hand crafted washboard and wash tub, courtesy of Gazzy, helped alleviate the problems of disgustingly dirty clothing.

To be honest, Iggy had a rather good rapport with the other tribes and clans. He was typically described as average among them. But that was better than being called "hot headed" or "overzealous" like Nudge, Max, and Angel. Sometimes, a few members from the Canowicakte and the northern avian tribes (known as the Aqissiaq) would visit with Iggy. This would typically be during some of his household chores, but he never minded. Rather, he found it enjoyable in finally having others speak to him like a normal person. Others, being everyone who wasn't in his flock. But these visits were few and far between. Thus, never really getting rid of that lonely feeling that Iggy harbored within him.

Finally making it to the clothing lines, Iggy shuffled around a bit in search of the box that contained his jarred cleaner. Once his foot tapped against the wooden box, he carefully knelt down and sat upon the grass. He closed his eyes and reveled in the peaceful sounds of the early morning, waiting for Fang to arrive with the requested items. He thought back to last night, remembering the question he had posed to Fang. However, he could not recall what the answer was. He could certainly hear Fang beginning to speak, but sleep had overtaken him. A scowl formed upon his face, feelings of embarassment arising at the thought that he had asked such a stupid question.

It wasn't long before he was snapped from his thoughts at the sounds of grass moving and footsteps that made their way closer. "Jesus Ig, I don't know how you can stand washing this crap. I mean, how in the hell can they get these so dirty!?" With that, there were small thuds and sloshing of water as items were set upon the floor next to him. Iggy's scowl was quickly replaced by a smile, retorting with, "Well someone has to do it. And I am home near all the time, so why not?" There was an exasperated sigh, then a hand laid itself upon his shoulder. "Need anything else before I go? More soapwort or some help with these chores?" Fang asked, without the hint of a sarcastic tone.

Iggy simply shook his head and brushed Fang's hand off his shoulder, "No, I'm quite alright. I've done this enough times to know what I'm doing." Iggy let out a light hearted laugh as he felt around for the washboard and tubs. "Plus, you can't get out of your duties that easily. But I would like some more soapwort. I'm running rather low on cleaner" Iggy said with a smile. Only grumbling came from Fang before the sound of wings unfurling reached his ears. "Well, then I'm off. See you around lunch time, or dinner. Honestly whichever, depending on how long this takes. Anyways, have a good one Iggy" Fang grumbled out, taking off into the sky with a simple thrust of his wings.

Iggy tilted his head down from the sky, his smile falling from his face, "yeah.......see yah." With that, he began to add the jarred cleaner into one of the filled tubs. All the while dreading what the day would bring.


|☆|End Of Chapter 8|☆| 

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