|☆|Chapter 6|☆|

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Fang cautiously sat up, feeling concern wash through him. "What? No, of course not. You've never been a burden to us." Fang expressed as he frowned in confusion. A scowl had etched itself across Iggy's face, "I'm blind Fang. I couldn't be any more useless." Fang gingerly placed a hand upon his shoulder, "Ig, where's all this coming from?"

Iggy reached up and laid his own hand upon Fang's as his scowl deepened. "I've been a burden since the beginning. I couldn't save Angel, I couldn't protect our first home, I couldn't and still can't protect anyone. Jeb should have just left me to rot in that god forsaken school," Iggy mumbled dismally.

With sorrow filled eyes, Fang squeezed Iggy's shoulder tenderly, "Jeb made no mistake by saving you from that hell-hole. Sure, it sucks that you're blind. But you make up for that fact in different ways. Your senses are amazingly enhanced and sharp from lack of sight. You could hear a bug skittering across a wooden beam within a 10 foot radius. Your skills in the kitchen make anyone you come in contact with, even the other clans, jealous. Not only that, but you are a great fighter; whether its bombs, hand to hand, or aerial combat. You spare no one and never miss a beat with each punch. You constantly give it your all and more, no matter how tired or beat up you are."

Looking up to the sky, Fang watched as clouds slowly began to cover up the moon. "In short, no, you are not a burden to the flock. You never have been, and never will be. Especially not to me," he concluded, letting himself show one of those rare smiles. Iggy smiled lightly as his eyes became heavy. "Thank you..." he mumbled quietly.

"No problem, I'm just glad I can help a frie-" Fang was cut off, and went stiff, as Iggy's body leaned against him. Iggy's head had rested itself upon Fang's shoulder as sleep overtook him. Fang glanced down to Iggy's now sleeping form and let out a near silent chuckle. "Alright now, let's get you to bed," he light-heartedly teased. Carefully supporting the blind man's weight, Fang half carried Iggy up to his room. The quiet sound of Iggy's feet dragging was hardly enough to wake the heavy sleepers of the household. Not even a storm could wake them from their deep slumbers.

As Fang arrived in Iggy's domain, he carefully dropped the blind man onto the bed. Laying on his side now, Iggy unconsciously snuggled into his pillow. Fang shook his head and cracked a smile, muttering the word 'cute' under his breath. He covered Iggy's body with the blanket before turning to head back to his own room. He paused for a moment at the door, turning back to look at Iggy one more time, "Good night, Iggy." With that he left, leaving the insomniac to succumb to the realm of dreams. Finally allowing him to get some well deserved rest for once. 


|☆|End Of Chapter 6|☆|

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