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a genshin impact fan fiction made by skelly saros



A trembling bard


Aether stared long at the final sentence and frowned. It was such a pitiful story. Even paimon seemed downed. "Eh?! That's it?! That's so sad!!" She yelled, disappointed as she stomped on the air as she scoffed.

Aether kept silent and sighed. Holding his head back as he nodded. "it is paimon. But I'm surprised. An eighth and ninth archon?" He mumbled but sat up straight and soon shut the book.

"This is the first time paimon has ever heard about the ninth and eighth archon, and paimons a travel guide!" Paimon said with a shrug as she floated around him as she watched aether shut the book as she stared intently at the cover. Such a mystery it was.

And Aether also looked at the book cover. Although there was really nothing much on the cover to look at since there was no art on the cover page nor was there even a title, everything about that book was very obscure and mysterious.

After all, he only read the leather-covered book with no title because it just had made him curious. It was in the corner of the library and it was squeezed shut within other books and anyone could easily just walk past not even bat an eye.

Heck even aether and the own  Liberian, Lisa, had almost missed it. But due to some lucky chance Aether had accidentally grabbed the wrong book when he was trying to help tidy up the library with Lisa. And just as he was about to put the book back in its original spot, paimon stopped him. Pointing out the books semi-interesting look. After all, the book had multiple metal straps with locks attached that seemed to have keys needed to open it.

And being the curious person he was. He asked Lisa about it and asked if she knew where the keys were. But unluckily, she had no idea about the books keys. Heck, she didn't even know that the book had even existed nor the three keys needed to open the book until now. But she for sure was also just as curious about the contents of the book.

So she offered him a deal, find the three keys. And she would give him some Mora, primogems and adventurers note. Aether finding the deal good accepted.

Lisa only offered this deal because at first aether wanted to just break the locks and go right into the book, but Lisa stopped him. Pointing out the books old condition and that if he broke the straps there would be a really low chance of it being able for it to be repaired and she wasn't pleased with the idea of breaking such an ancient book.

And so, although it was a hassle for aether, he set on a small quest to find the keys himself.

First, he looked through every bookshelf and book within the library. And soon enough, he found each key hidden in pages of books that seemed to connect to one another in some sort of way.

The first key he found was in a book called 'poison'

The second key he found was in a book called. 'the archons'

POISON- genshin impact X male!Archon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now