author's note

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hey besties,

i'm sorry it's been so long since i've updated, but life has been kind of up and down for the past few months. and i know i don't have to explain myself to anyone, but since all of you have taken the time to read this story and keep up with it, i feel like you guys deserve an explanation.

i've been away for a little while for multiple reasons, but here's the main ones:

1. school: i was supposed to start college at my dream school about a month ago, but the tuition ended up being way more expensive than i thought. so i ended up not being able to go at all. i still get to study business at a community college and get a full degree, but the school doesn't have any creative writing classes. so i won't be able to get a degree in that at all :(. but i now start school in january, so i guess it's not all bad. it just wasn't part of my plan.

2. life: all of my closest friends left in july and august, so i've been having trouble coming to terms with not seeing them as much. we still talk everyday (they even know about this story haha), but it's hard when they talk about how their days at school went, and all i can say is "well i had a rude table at work again today" (i have a part time job as a waitress in my hometown. it kind of sucks). i'm so happy for them that they get to go to their dream schools and live life, but i guess i always pictured me doing that too, and i can't help but feel like i'm stuck.

3. relationships: ahh yes this one is still fresh lmao. i won't go too into detail for this one because the guy it involves follows me on here (yeah i told him about wattpad. that's how deep it was). anyways, we became close again after he got out of a toxic relationship with a girl who didn't like him and i being friends (i always considered him one of my best guy friends in high school). long story short, they got back together and i found out from social media. not only did this girl threaten to blackmail me with things from my past, but the guy didn't even have the guts to tell me himself that they were even thinking about getting back together. he even asked me out on a date, but ended up canceling it because he claimed he wasn't ready yet. anyways...

4. the stalker: you guys remember phoenix's stalker boyfriend from her own reality? well, if you guys didn't know, i based him off of my real life stalker ex boyfriend. and he still stalks me to this day after being broken up for almost 2 years. all of the details mentioned in this story about phoenix's situation with her ex, happened to me. i started writing this story as a way to cope with what i went through, and it worked honestly. but he's been coming around more often lately, and it honestly scares me. and it always happens to be when i'm either getting home from work, or when i'm leaving for work. even if the times are different, he always seems to be there. it scares the hell out of me knowing my stalker/rapist can just follow me around as he pleases. i've been trying for months to get a restraining order, but since he isn't technically stepping foot on my family's property, there's nothing the police can do.

and before you guys freak out, no i'm not stopping this story. i'm not going to give these people the satisfaction of getting in the way of what makes me happy. i actually have half of a chapter in my drafts right now that i'm gonna try and have out by the end of the week for you guys. so don't worry, this story isn't going anywhere.

it's basically just getting started ;).

thank you guys/gals/non-binary pals for being patient with me. i you guys stick with me until the end. <3

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