Chapter Sixteen - The Unexpected

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I somehow manage to find my way back to the cabins, realising that I am not actually that far away from them after a few seconds of panic when the dickhead pushed me out of the door.

I head straight for the shower when I step through the door, trying to wash the day's exercise from me.

As I stand under the hot water, I go over the day's events in my head. The memory of Marcus when his father left is seared into my brain, and I can't get it out. I don't know how he acted as though nothing had happened afterwards, or how nobody seems particularly phased about participating in a candidate's torture. I don't understand how he wasn't even weak from the pain; it almost seems like he isn't human – which I'm sure his arrogant arse would love to hear.

He just seems disassociated from everything his body was put through, which without knowing how long I was in my own test, was a lot more than what I was there to witness.

The thought of Director Thomas gives me chills. I could never imagine my dad doing that to me, so how could Director Thomas do it to his son? And all those people who came in to watch it like it was a spectacle and not someone being tortured? Every single agent in that room seemed fascinated rather than disgusted and it was eerie to see.

I shudder and turn off the water, quickly getting out of the shower to run away from my shower thoughts.

How I'd trade anything to be able to talk to my family right now.

I dry off and when I'm finished, I hear the door bang open, Hugo's loud voice carrying through the cabin. "Patience?"

"I'm here." I call back in reply, pulling on my clothes and walking out into the corridor.

"Oh, thank god." Sarah breathes a sigh of relief. "We had no idea where you had gone when Hartley said you'd left."

Marcus walks through the door then and I raise an eyebrow in his direction. He shrugs, a slight smirk on his face.

Well, that's new.

I fold my arms across my chest, looking back at Sarah. "I got lost trying to find you, I had a very helpful guide." I say sarcastically, staring pointedly at Marcus.

Sarah nods obliviously, then sighs. "Ugh, I can't be bothered making dinner tonight," She looks up at Hugo. "Can you do it again, pretty please?"

"Not a chance." Hugo scoffs, grabbing her arm and pulling in the direction of the kitchen. "You've already gotten out of it for the last three nights I'm not doing it again."

"But you're a good little chef." Sarah tries to butter Hugo's ego up as they disappear through the doorway. When the door swings shut behind them, I pause. I can feel Marcus's judging stare burning holes into my back.

I spin around to see him casually leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask.

The smirk that hasn't left his face widens to a smile. "Not at all."

I look at him in fascination. "Since when could your face do that?"

The smile immediately turns to a scowl.

"There he is." I replace his smile with one of my own.

He just continues to stare at me in silence until he pushes off the wall and comes closer, a lot closer. I stay where I am, staring right back at him.

At first it is by my own will that I stay frozen in place, but then I fall under the influence of shock when he stalks so close that I can feel the change in temperature as he stops as little as an inch away from me.

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