Chapter 7

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Shepherd's POV

"Hey, mom, dad." I said, walking into the kitchen. "How about we have Link, Christy and Lando over for dinner tonight?" mom and dad looked at each other.

"Ok." Mom said finally. "That's a great idea."

"Yeah. We haven't had a little get together like that in a while." Said dad. "Why not you go give them a call?"

"Ok." I agreed and picked up the phone. I went upstairs to my room and dialled the Neal's home phone number.

"Hello?" said Christy from the other end of the line.

"Hi Christy!" I said cheerfully. "It's Shepherd."

"Hi Shepherd. How are you?"

"Good. And you?"

"Good thank you."

"I was wondering if you, Link and Lando would like to join us for dinner tonight."

"Sure! We'd love to. Thank you."

"The pleasures all ours." I replied politely. "We'll see you at around, 6?"

"Sure. I'll see you then. "

"Ok. Great. Bye."


I hung up the phone and placed it on my desk. Lando and I are one step closer to telling our parents about us.


"Hi! Come on in." I greeted our company. Link, Christy and Lando came inside. Lando and I exchanged small smiles. I couldn't wait to tell them.

After they were inside Christy went to help Jessie in the kitchen and Link want into dads office with him to go over some of the details for the family video. (Chapter 4)

"So when should we tell them?" I whispered to Lando.

"At dinner." He replied. "Or after. What would be better." He whispered back.

"I think at dinner." I replied.


"The roast is wonderful." Complemented Christy.

"Thank you." Said Jessie. Lando and I sat beside each other on one side with Link and Christy across from us. On the two ends of the table was Jessie and Rhett.

"We have an announcement." Lando suddenly burst out.

"Oh!" Christy said surprised. "Okay. Go on." Lando looked at me for support. I gave him a smile and placed my hand on top if his.

"Lando and I," I started, "have been dating." I said with a smile.

"Wow!" Link said after a few moments of silence out of surprise.

"That's great." Rhett said supportively. Mom and Christy both had tears in their eyes.

"Mom." I said. "Are you happy?" she nodded.

"We're all happy for you guys." She said.

Shepdo - Rhett and Link ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now