Chapter 3

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Shepherds POV

Lando an I found two seats on the bus and sat down. The bus soon pulled up in front of the bus stop that was right in front of the school. We got off and went to our lockers that were beside each other.

"So you have to be happy for a reason. You had a giant smile stuck on your face the whole way here." I didn't say anything, just kept smiling. He sighed and continued to take his books out of his locker and put them in his bag.

I was happy for a reason I couldn't tell Lando because it would spoil the surprise. I was going to find out if Lando liked me or not. Not like me as a friend. Like like me. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like Lando and I have always had something more between us. I want to know if Lando feels the same way and to do that I hired a guy at our school that said he could talk to him and find out for me.


Lando's POV

I sat at my usual lunch table and waited for Shepherd. We always ate our lunch together.

I started eating my sandwich. A guy sat down across from me.

"Hey." I said. He looked up at me. I think his name is Damien. He's in my 1st period class but he always sits alone at the back of the class.

"Hey." He just sat there. He didn't eat anything, just sat and stared at his hands.

"Want some?" I said holding out a bag of chips. He took a couple.

"Thanks." We sat with no sound except the munching of chips. "So you're friends with Shepherd McLaughlin." I nodded. "Cool." He took another chip. "Just friends?"

"Uh..." I started to feel uncomfortable. I hadn't figured out that myself yet.

"He wants to know that question too." He took another chip. "Why not you answer that for him." He took one more chip and then walked away.

I didn't know what to think. Do I like Shepherd? Do I even like guys? Does he really like me? I spent the rest of my lunch period trying to answer these questions.


Shepherd's POV

I couldn't pay attention in my 4th period class. Every 5 minute I would look at the clock. 20 more minutes. 15 more minutes. 10 more minutes. I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled out my phone and texted Lando.

To Lando:
Hey man. Meet you at are lockers after school?

From Lando:
Sure. See you soon.

"Mr.McLaughlin. Phone away." Said Mrs.Fikly, my teacher.

The bell finally rang, like it always does, at 2:45pm. I already had my books ready in my bag so I just swooped it up and got out of the class room as soon as I could. I went to my locker and started putting my books in it. A few minutes later Lando came and opened his locker.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey man." That's it? I was so excited to find out what he was going to say and I go hey man. Maybe he's just as confuse as me and need to figure it out still. He is 2 years younger. "Where were you at lunch?" Asked Lando.

"Extra help for math." It was true. I had gone to see my math teacher because I didn't understand the lesson.

"Oh." He was silent for a moment. We both closer are lockers and started walking through the crowded hallway to the front of the school. Lando was silent until we were outside.

"Someone came and sat with me at lunch." He said.

"I know." Damien is the guy I asked to do this for me.

"Shepherd," he started.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way. We can still be friends." I smiled.

"It's not that. It's," he paused for a minute. "I-I do feel the same way." He said choked up. "Shepherd, I love you. I always have." These words made my heart melt like butter and the butterfly's in my stomach disperse.

"I love you too." Was all I could manage out. Lando and I smiled at each other. Then we interlocked hands and continued are walk to the bus stop.

"How are we going to tell are parents?" asked Lando.

"I guess we will have to get them all together and just tell them. They've always seemed open to the idea." I hope they accept it because I'm not changing who I am.

"We should tell them soon."

"Yeah. Maybe we can get together for dinner one evening, all 9 of us."

"Good idea." Lando and I continued are short walk to the bus stop. We boarded the bus and we've home happy as could be, but somewhat dreading telling are parents.

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