Chapter 8

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3 months later (End of school year)

Lando's POV

I sat on Shepherd's bed while leaning against Shepherd's chest comfortably in silence.

"Lando?" Shepherd said suddenly, interrupting our peaceful silence.

"Yeah?" I said with my head still on his chest.

"I have to leave." I sat up and looked at him. I knew this was going to happen. "I got into Yale."

"You did!" I said happily. "Shep, that's amazing!" I gave him a passionate kiss. "When do you have to leave?" I said a bit more sadly.

"I leave two weeks before the school year starts." He replied.

"We only have a month and a half together." I said sadly.

"Yeah." He said just as sadly. "I'm thinking about turning them down and going to the California State University."

"No." I said right away. "I'm not going to keep you from your dreams. You have to go Yale. It's an amazing school." He sighed.

"Alright." I placed my head back on his chest. "Lets spend as much time as we an together before I leave."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Have you told your parents you got in?" I asked.

"No. You're the first person I've told." I nodded and we went back to our peaceful silence.

Rhett's POV

I couldn't decide what to make for dinner so I went upstairs to ask the boys what they wanted.

I opened the door and found them cuddling together on Shep's bed.

"Oh." I said. "I, uh, was just, uh, wondering what you, uh, wanted for dinner."

"Can you make taco's?" asked Shep.

"Yeah, no problem." I closed the door and left as quickly as I could. I know it seems wrong but it's still a little weird to see. I guess I'll get used to it.

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