Chapter 9

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AN: This book is almost over. Guys, it's really sad. But I am considering writing a third book for this series? I don't want to drag it on too long. Can you let me know what you think? I am also, for sure now, starting two other fanfics, one Larry and one Niam! I am excited.

I was home bored with my brother so I decided to write. A lot. Hmmm...

Harry POV

"I'm sorry Harry," Louis said, as we were walking away.

"I don't know what to say," I replied. I was excited, angry, thrilled, and shaking in my bones all at the same time.

"Then don't say a single thing," he said. "Just listen, and walk."

He guided me out the front door of the hospital, and onto the path. I could see that it lead to a small garden, a feeble attempt to make a dreary place look a little less depressing. There was a small stone bench, with no back, and a little pond. It was extremely clear that Louis was planning on leading me straight to it.

"Harry there is no way that I can say this, that doesn't sound completely insane. I don't expect you to instantly understand, and if after I tell you, you need some space? I'll give it to you. I need you to hear this first."

"To start, I want you to know that Ryan has officially been arrested, along with the man he hired. I plan on filing a restraining order against Eleanor that applies to all five of us. The things that have happened are unfathomable, unbelievable, and unacceptable. We can't let them get away with it, so we won't."

"I know you've probably been really upset, and confused, and perhaps a little bit angry with me, and I understand. You have every right to be. The most important thing for me to ask right now though, would be awkward if it was anyone else, but I know that you trust me and that you know that I won't ever judge you."

"I didn't Louis," I said. "I threw them away."

His face lit up.

"You threw your razors in the garbage?" He asked.

"Well, not exactly, but kind of," I said. "Another day."

He nodded and continued talking.

"I didn't want to. It tore me apart to hurt you like that. Ryan made me. He threatened to take away our jobs."

"Am I not worth more than your job?" I frowned, turning to him. My eyes filled, and once again I completely failed to hold my emotions. By this time we had reached the garden, and Louis sat on the bench. He grabbed my hand, and gently pulled me next to him.

I met his gaze for a split second, then tore away from his mesmorizing eyes. He moved his hand to my cheeks and turned my face to his, forcing me to lose myself in the most perfect shade of blue.

"Of course you are. Haz, I'd give the world for you. There was no way though, for me to know whether you would do the same."

"Of course I would you douche!" I said. I tore his hands from my face, but didn't let go of them. I squeezed them as hard as I could.

"Harry I couldn't make that decision for you. I know that you would have done the same. I never wanted to hurt you at all. I never want to hurt you ever."

"What's going to happen then?" I asked. "Niall, and Liam, and Zayn wouldn't clarify much. What's going to happen with your son?"

"I don't have a son Haz. He's Ryan's."

I sighed in relief, but realized that this could be harder for Louis.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I know how much you want a son."

"Sorry? Harry I'm so relieved. All I want is to get away from Eleanor! If I had a son with her? I would have to see her all the time!"

I nodded.

"Imagine us Harry. How could the two of us raise a son that I had created with a woman I didn't even love?" Louis finished.

"Us? You're picturing our relationship long term?" I asked.

"Of course!! You're not a short-term thing to me!" He said. "You're so much more than that Haz! So much more!"

I could feel my cheeks going red. I gripped his hands harder.

"So you really do love me?" I asked shyly.

"Harry, I love you so fucking much it hurts. I couldn't live a minute without you and I'm fucking sorry that it took me so long to realize before. I'm fucking sorry that I had to hurt you, and I'm fucking sorry that I put you through all this."

"That's a lot of fucks Louis," I smiled, giggling quietly.

"Believe me Haz, the fucks aren't over yet," he whispered, wiggling his eyebrows.

I smiled, and gripped his cheeks, pulling him in.

"I love you Louis Tomlinson," I said.

"I love you Harry Styles," he replied.

Right then, right there, we kissed on the bench. I knew then that this was what I wanted for the rest of my life. I was so thankful that he really loved me.

At first I wondered if it would take me a long time to come back to Louis.

I was wrong.

It was instantaneous.

I couldn't stay away from him.

I was completely and totally addicted to him, exactly like I had been addicted to my cutting before this perfect man changed me. I was so incredibly thankful for him.

I squeezed his hand, and kissed him a little harder.

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