Chapter 2

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AN: Thanks for all of your name comments, you guys are very creative and helpful!

Prepare yourselves, emotional chapter!! ENJOY!

Louis POV

He just stared at me. Fuck management. I couldn't even believe they were making me do this. I wanted nothing more than to run away with Harry, grab him and never let go. We could do it, I know we could.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants. I thought about how far Harry had come. He went from a shy, small town boy with an unheard amazing voice, to an internationally loved charmer, who I had fallen unconditionally and irrevocably in love with. He was my world, and he had come so far. I was proud of him.

I felt stinging behind my eyes, but brought out my acting skills and pushed my tears back. I couldn't cry, I wouldn't be convincing enough.

"I can't do this anymore Harry," I said, narrowly avoiding a crack in my voice.

"Louis," he said weakly. "Can't do what?"

I took a deep breath. I knew this would tear him apart, but for some fucking reason I said it anyways.

"I can't do us," I stated.

His face contorted. I had to look away.

He didn't speak, I didn't look.

I listened to him, he sobbed a few times.

Eventually, I had calmed enough to look up at him.

He had his hands over his eyes.

"Haz," I said gently.

"SHUT UP!" He screamed.

"But," I said.

"WAS THIS NOTHING?! WE WERE HAPPY! YOU SAVED MY FUCKING LIFE!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He cried. He had tears streaming down his face, and I just wanted to kiss them all off. I wanted to tell him I was lying, tell him that he was everything I needed and I couldn't live without him.

So naturally, I spat in his face.

"I pitied you," I said harshly. "You were weak, and I wouldn't be getting paid if you died."

He looked at me in horror.

I ignored it, took a breath, and kept going.

"Eleanor and I are back together. She's carrying my baby, and I still love her. She flew in, and is staying in a hotel near by. I had to pretend to love you that entire time, just to keep you alive."

On que, a plan by Ryan, my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out, and looked at the screen.

"It's El," I said to a broken Harry. I turned and picked up the phone.

"Hey babe," I said weakly. "Yeah, I told him. Of course. It's all dealt with, we can be happy. I love you too darling. I'll be over shortly."

Harry was on his knees.

"Who are you?" He whispered. I looked back then exited quickly, unable to look at Harry.

I walked down into the lobby, where Paul and Ryan were waiting. Tears were flowing freely down my face. Paul gave me a sympathetic look. I was furious, but not at him. I walked
directly passed him and straight to Ryan.

I punched the smug look off his face, and to his blood dripping face, I cursed.


He snorted and wiped his bloody nose on his sleeve.

"How dare you.."

I punched him again. He stepped back.

"If ANYTHING fucking happens to Harry, it's on YOUR fucking shoulders! Mark my words Ryan, I will KILL you!"

Strings (Book 2 in the CCHR Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant