Chapter 1

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I threw the centre piece on the table in the conference room. It smashed apart against the wall, the sharp pieces falling to the floor.

"So, what if he tries to kill himself again?! What if this time, Niall and Liam don't show up?! What if, I'm not here for him, and it works?! What if he DIES?!" I screamed.

Tears were stinging my eyes. I was furious.

"We're a piece in their fucking game!" I yelled. "We're their fucking puppets! They can manipulate us however the hell they want, even if it literally kills us!"

"I know Louis, I'm sorry that I can't do anything more," Paul said. He had explained to me managements awful plan. How was I supposed to break Harry's heart like that? He was still so delicate.

"It's not fair," I stated blankly.

He gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's not.. fucking... fair," I said. I gave in, and willing allowed tears to flow down my cheeks. A massive sobbed wracked my body. I felt so broken. I couldn't even imagine how Harry would react.

Precious Harry.

Paul came up to me, gently wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't do this Paul...." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry Lou," he said. "I'm so sorry."

I cried into his black shirt for what felt like hours. He just stood there and held me. I longed for Harry to be in his place, but I was afraid that would never happen again.

Harry POV

I flipped the grilled cheese in the pan. Louis was in a meeting with Paul, supposedly discussing future concert plans, and giving his opinion on whether or not we need a new tour bus.

He was due home any minute. I wanted everything to be perfect.

Louis and I, today, were celebrating not only 4 months of our relationship, but 4 months of no self-harm. It was quite an accomplishment for me, and I owed it all to Louis. I loved him so much.

The sandwiches finished with a sizzle, and I flipped them onto the plates. I had browned Louis' just enough to carve a heart into the bread. It was literally cheesy, but I knew my boobear, and knew that he would love it.

I poured us two glasses of juice, and set it all out on the table. I put a vase in the middle, and put some light blue flowers in it.

I breathed a sigh of relief, that everything was done on time. Louis wasn't around, so I started on the dishes, figuring he'd be home halfway through.

I started to worry when I finished the dishes, and Louis still wasn't home.

I put covers on the sandwiches, and headed down the hall to my room. Not that I ever sleep here.

I smiled at the thought, and walked into my bathroom. I went straight to the drawer, and took out my bag of razors. This was the only bag Louis didn't know about. I looked at it for a minute, and smiled softly.

I threw it out.

It was so satisfying, and I truly thought I was over it. I felt so free.

I heard the flat door open, and bounded out, eager to see Louis.

He looked sad. His eyes were red.

"Louis..." I said softly. "Boo, what's wrong."

He sniffled, and turned away. He took a few deep breaths.

"Harry," he whispered. "We need to talk."

I took a breath. Maybe throwing out my razors was a bad idea.

AN: Short and not very good, but shit will hit the fan next chapter!


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