Chapter 12

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Harry POV

Planning a wedding, I discovered, was literal hell.

Thank God Louis was so easygoing, or Lord knows what I would have done.

Liam was actually a huge help, and my mom insisted on flying out to help me aswell.

Who knew so many damn flowers existed??

Louis and I had decided on blue and gray decorations, with pale yellow and white flowers. Neither of us wanted a huge wedding, we narrowed it down to about 35 guests, not including our performer.

Naturally, we asked Ed, there was nobody else who could compare. Louis really wanted him to play our song, Kiss Me, during the procession. I cried imagining it, Louis laughed his head off.

We decided that Louis would choose best men, and I would choose best women. Both our moms would stand beside us, and mine would walk me down the aisle. These decisions were made after a short and grumpy argument about who was more feminine, that ended when I burst into tears again.

I was struggling to choose 3-4 women. Louis claimed he already had chosen; Liam, Niall, Stan, and potentially Zayn. He had to ask him, and neither of us were entirely sure what his answer would be.

I knew Gemma for sure, obviously. I had numerous "girlfriends" I could ask, Taylor was at the top of my potential list, but I still really didn't like that idea.

Kendall was out.

Paige was no good either.

I could always ask Eleanor...

I snorted at my own mental joke. Yeah, Eleanor.

I had considered possibly asking Sophia, but we hadn't really talked all that much.

I was also considering Lottie, but then I would feel the need to ask Fizzy and Daisy and Pheobe and all of them. Especially because Jay agreed to allow Ernest and Doris be our flower girl and ring bearer. I had the excuse that they were babies, I couldn't single one of his sisters out.

It would have been easy had we not decided we would include our moms separately in the ceremony. I would have Mum, Jay, Gemma, and find a potential fourth if Zayn agreed. Instead, I was stuck clawing my brains out trying to pick women.

It was so hard. Maybe that's why I was marrying a man.

I chuckled. I was so hilarious.

"What are you chuckling at Haz?" Louis asked.

I smiled.

"My own wit and genious," I grinned. He rolled his eyes and looked back down at the magazine he was reading.

"Have you found suits yet?" I asked.

He smiled.

"I think I may have."

He flipped the magazine my direction and pointed to a pair of black suits. They were sharp, and they were slim fit. They were perfect.

"Those are the ones Lou," I said.

"I'll have Mum order them tomorrow," he said smiling.

"Is she flying in soon?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Tomorrow. She's really excited for this."

"So is my Mum, and so am I," I said. I stood up and kissed his forehead. "Coming to bed?"

"Yeah in a minute," he said. I nodded and walked down the hall, intent on going straight to sleep.


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