Chapter 11

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Dedicated to connorislove for the awesome proposal idea. Thank you to everyone for your submissions and ideas, this one just really struck my fancy. Plus, I already had an idea for coming out... anyways. Enjoy!!

Harry POV

We had 2 weeks off, after the last interview. I knew it had shooken Louis up from the way he desperately gripped my hand on the way back to the dressing rooms.

He hated talking about Zayn. We all did, but it was something that had to be done. We realized that eventually it would become old news, and that we just had to grin and bear it between now and then.

I realized last night that Louis was shaky again. He wasn't upset though, he was creepily happy. So much so, that it made me uneasy.

He had told me he had a surprise for me today. We still had 4 days off, so I figured we were going somewhere.

I woke up to him sitting at the edge of the bed, his smiling splitting his face in two.

"Goodmorning Haz!" He chirped.

"Morning Lou..." I muttered sleepily. I sat up and looked around the room.

I didn't notice anything unusual until my eyes fell upon the two large suitcases standing in the corner of our room.

"What're those?" I asked, yawning.

"Suitcases," Louis said. "Up you get, throw some clothes on. Time to go."

I looked at the clock. 11am.

I looked back to Louis, who was now picking out my outfit. His hands were shaking again.

"What's going on Louis? You're shaking!"

He coughed.

"I, uh, I think I accidentally had caffeinated coffee this morning," he said.

I frowned. Louis mostly drank tea...

I shrugged it off and got up. Whatever was happening, I figured I would know soon enough.

When I was ready, Louis took me out to the car. He threw the cases in the trunk and opened my door for me.

Such a gentleman.

He went around to his side and got in, turning on the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said smiling.

I smiled back, and we drove off.


We spent quite a while in the car, I didn't really keep the time.

The radio was on quietly the whole way there, Louis and I talking over it.

Eventually he pulled into the parking lot of the X-factor building.

I frowned.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Patience Styles," he replies. "Soon."

I groaned.

We got out and Louis went to the door. He opened it and let me walk through, following behind.

There were white and black balloons everywhere. On the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor.

There was a particular area where balloons were bunched together, and there was a white and black sign above it that said: I Love You.

I turned and looked back at Louis, who had the gooniest smile on his face.

"Can I...?" I asked quietly, gesturing to the cluster of balloons.

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