Gucci 💜

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When Tione called me all distraught and shit I already knew that Juon's ass had fucked up yet again. It hadn't even been a full 3 hours and Tione had found out more shit then she could handled. Even though she was seeing juon for what he was I had to have her back. Tione broke me out my sleep so I had to get ready before I went and got her. Wiping the crust out of my eyes I made sure to wash my face and brush my perfect teeth before taking a quick shower. When I got in the shower I make sure to wash all over my body with my Victoria secret Pure Seduction, it was just something about this fragrance that made men turns their heads at me. At the age of 28 I was a very beautiful man at 5'9 I had some beautiful blemish free Carmel skin with hazel eyes and I kept my 40-inch blonde hair silky straight sitting right on top my ass. My face was extremely soft so if you didn't know any better you'd swear I was really a women because I really looked like a women versus  half of these ugly bitches in the city who look like men. When I felt clean enough I got out the shower and immediately laced lotion all over my nice body. When I was satisfied with my body being clean and ash free I put on my Nadine Merabi pant suit with some Christian Louboutin heels, did a once over in my mirror after being satisfied I sashayed out the door.
When I pulled up to Tione's penthouse building I saw her sitting out on the steps crying her eyes out. Immediately I put the car in park and got out the car to be next to my cousin.
" T, what the hell has that small dick bitch you call a boyfriend did now?" I said in an annoyed voice.
" he's been cheating me with the girl whose hair I do he even produced a baby on me." She said above a whisper. All I did was stay quiet and console her because I couldn't tell her I knew. If I did I knew it would hurt her more and that's not what I wanted to do so I just hugged on her.
" Lets go Tione you're coming back to my house!"
" No", she said. " Take me to Mecca's I need to get away." When she said that I already knew she was done. Tione never told Mecca about anything she had going on because she knew Mecca would take it to another level. Low key I felt bad for Juon's ass because Mecca was a force to be reckon with and I didn't wish that ass whooping on anyone.
When tione and I got back into my my Cocaine white Tahoe we rode in silence for what seemed like forever. Besides the breathing that was going on between the both us a pin could  be heard dropping in this truck. With the car being so silent I decided to play some old school to get my mind off the shit that Tione had going on. Lowkey had my own shit going on eveyone knew I was gay but what they didn't know is that I had a baby with a woman name Lexi I slept with from time to time. I loved men but I also loved a feeling of a woman from time to time which I guess would consider me Bisexual. My daughter was 3 years old and I loved her with everything in me I just was ashamed about my sexuality when it came to her. Sometimes I believe I should give her the family she desire but my craving for men wouldn't allow me too. Not even T knew I had a daughter and it would kill her when she found out because we didn't hide secrets at all. Lexie had been begging for my daughter to meet my family but the way my family was set up they we're going to rip me a new ass.
" GUCCI WERE HERE", Tione said, bringing me out my thoughts. Soon as I realized we was at Mecca's house I seen she was on the grill having her a good ass time. One thing about Mecca you couldn't take the hood out of her you just accepted it. Mecca lived in the heart of the hood and everyone loved her. She was the hood mama! If you needed food she feed you, if you needed clothes she would cloth you, and if you just needed a ear she was there to lend hers. When Mecca spotted us she had the biggest smile plastered on her face and motioned us over to give her a hug.
" Hey y'all, y'all want some of these hot links, they'll be ready in 10minutes." She said.
" Mecca now you know I love anything with sausage." I said, making her laughing. Before Mecca could get a word out her face changed because she noticed Tione hadn't even spoken up yet.
" Gucci get this spatula and watch these sausages while I talk to my daughter." She demanded! Mecca knew damn well I didn't grill I slayed bitches not food but I knew to keep my damn mouth shut while she talked to her daughter. My pretty ass was looking goofy as hell standing at this grill, I was a bad bitch not a chef. When I looked up I had seen Lexie ass across the street  sizing me hard as hell. I had forgot her nosy manly ass mama stayed across the street. When I seen her coming towards me I rolled my fucking eyes because I knew it was about to be some more shit.
" God I know you don't agree with my life choices but please spare me this one time because I know this messy bitch is about to come over here and this is not the time since Tionne was about to tell Mecca all this shit that had been happening. This messy ass bitch about to make a scene with her nosey ass mama and I just need you to take the wheel before this shit crash. PLEASE!". I hope God was listening because if not, my damn secret was about to be revealed.

The Love Giving 💔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt