Juon 💔

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"Ahhhhh" I jumped up. I didn't know what the fuck had happen but by the time I realized I was getting my ass whooped like I was 8- years old. Mecca had just threw some hot ass grits on my ass and she was now whooping my ass with one of them old ass grandaddy leather belts.
" Nigga did you think I wouldn't find out everything you had did to my motherfucker daughter. Not only did you have a baby worthless ass nigga but you had the right to be stealing her money nigga", Mecca said calmly. She was whooping my ass so bad it took me a few minutes to register everything she said. Before I had went to sleep I was getting deep down into Tione wet ass pussy it was so good she had actually put me to sleep. So busy trying to cover myself up from this ass whooping Mecca was giving me I hadn't even notice that I was in and out of consciousness.
" Let me tell you something and I'm only going to say it once. You have a week no, two weeks to pay my daughter all her fucking back and nigga I mean all of the 100,000 you stole. Do I make myself clear?" Mecca hit my ass again. She whooped my ass so good the only thing I could do was nod. When Mecca was sure I understood she left out and made sure too slam the door as hard as possible. For the next few minutes I couldn't even stand I had to crawl my ass to the tub to try to soak. This had to be the most embarrassing shit that had ever happen to me Mecca beat my ass and the only thing I was thinking was how she found out. When I was doing my dirt I made sure I kept it away from home but something was off because Tione didn't even know I had a daughter let alone taking money from her. When I found the strength to get in the tub I just sat there trying to come up with every possible angle that Mecca could have come up with this shit and I was coming up short every time. Sitting in this jacuzzi tub had to be the hardest because my body was aching and I was in a lot of pain. My dumb ass sat in the tub for 2-hours before I could get out and when I got out looking in the mirror my body was aching I'm pretty sure if I wasn't so black my body would probably be black and blue from the ass whooping I had endured. When I finally was able to dress myself I started looking for my phone for some reason I wanted to try to reach out to Tione because if Mecca knew mostly like so did Tione. When I couldn't find my phone I realized I had left my phone at Trinas.
When I got downstairs to Trinas apartment I used my key to get in
" Trina where the fuck you at with my phone?" I yelled.
When she didn't answer I made my way through the apartment looking for her ass. When I got to the room the sight before me had me skin itching. Trinas normal pretty face was beaten, she could barely see out her eyes and her mouth looked as if she couldn't even talk.
" Who the fuck did this to you? What the fuck happened?", I didn't care about Trina but seeing her face I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Her face had me forgetting about the ass whooping I'd just received not too long ago.
"Tione"' she said above a whisper. Now I was confused on why Tionne would whoop her ass when she didn't even know she was my baby moms.
" Why would Tione whoop your ass Trina?," I said, a little louder than I wanted.
" Because I told her everything", she said.
Now it all made sense this bitch had use my phone and called Tione like she wasn't funding this bitches lifestyle and mine. Now I didn't even feel bad for her because now I had to make sure Tione didn't leave my ass or I'd be at the trailer park right with Trinas ass and my daughter.
" You have to be one of the dumbest bitches ever! Why did you feel the need to tell her that shit because I slapped you? Huh? You're a dumb ass bitch and now you're ass will be back at the trailer park sooner than you thought.", I said with venom dripping from my mouth.
" don't hit me up no more Trina you ruined my relationship and I'm taking my daughter don't call for shit bitch!". She started crying but i didn't give a fuck this bitch let her feelings get the best of her over a slap and I didn't appreciate her for that especially when I took her dumb ass out the trailer park. Before this bitch could say anything I packed junie some things and took her with me. It was no way I was leaving my daughter with this dumb unfit bitch.

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