Paris's Iron Man

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(Note: the armour ejected him because it detected people who want the armour)
Somewhere in the russian mountains

Alex POV

I wake up Cold for some reason, but then i look down to see there was a car battery hooked up to my chest. I then try to reach for the water sitting on the table by the cot i was asleep on.

???:I wouldn't try that.

i then turn to see a man cooking Canned beans over a fire.

i then turn to see a man cooking Canned beans over a fire

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

???:You're finallay awake.

Alex:Where am i? And what is hooked up to my chest?

???:Number 1 you're in USSR territory. And 2 that is a car battery hooked up to your chest pumping your heart.

Alex:Wait you mean there is technology pumping my heart for me? how did that happen?

???:Let me explain. i Saw it all.


Col. Ivan: You refuse? little Man that is not option. Bring me tazer.

He then stuck me in the chest and-

Present day

Yinsen:Also my name is Yinsen.

Return to Flashback

he laid limp in front of me.

Yinsen:His heart is not beating i need some equipment NOW!!!

Present day

Yinsen:Three hours later and now you have that hooked up to your heart. that tazer popped the nerve connected to your heart and was the one pumping it so now the car battery is pumping it.

As he says this the colonel enters the room and yinsen tells me to do as him so i do. he then shows me a picture of the iron monger suit.

russian 1:Сделай костюм

Yinsen:he says make the suit.


the soilders then leave.

Alex:Yinsen help me out here.

I then show him some blue prints i drew up for an arc reactor.

yinsen:Thats not iron monger armour.

Alex:I know, but we are gonna need this to get out of here. It's gonna power something big for 15 minutes.

we then walk out to get the parts i need to make the arc reactor out of stark industries missles and weapons. i melt down the palliduim i need to make the reactor and i ask yensin to put the arc reactor in then we begin to make the Prototype armour that i had designed. the prototype armour is just glorified Mk1 armour.

After we finish the reactor we begin on the prototype armour and we nneded more metal then we originally thought so we melt down the rest of the missle leftovers. Then we begin on the repulsers for the prototype armour then the boots. after several hours colonel Ivan enters the room.

Col. Ivan:This is not iron monger. It iron man.

Alex:this is better than the iron monger.

Col. Ivan:I hope because life depends on it.

???:I agree, because tony was the iron man. And me His enemy Detroit Steel.

Alex:justin Hammer?

Hammer:Yeah it's me i'm out of prison.

Col. Ivan:Also i want my armour Tomorrow.

hammer:And i will be making it better.

They then left the room. We then get to finishing the prototype armour and started to fit it on me. i have to admit it was a little tight.

Yinsen:Okay just follow the fleeing russian soilders then you will be out of here.


Soilder:Where's Hogan.

Soilder 2:He was just there.

the soilders begin their way to the place Yinsen and hogan were. When a soild was running in fear then we saw the armour.

 When a soild was running in fear then we saw the armour

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Alex POV

Alex:Hello and goodbye.

i then shot the two soilder and made my way to find yinsen when he ran off. When i find him he is half dead.

Alex:Yinsen we need to go i can help you. i can help you get to your family.

Yinsen:Alex my family is dead, but i hope you start on with that girl you like.

At that moment i felt so much guilt.

Col. Ivan:You feel guilty. Because it was your fault. Little man is now iron.

i then shot him and left the scene when i got outside i flew all the way to paris where i crashed through some sort of school.


i then see kate and she sits me up and takes my helmet off. i then hug her. i then see Y/N.

Y/N:Alex! I thought you were dead!

Alex:i am very much alive, but please help me get this armour off.

Three hours later

Kate:So you built that armour blue?

Alex:yeah i based it off of the MKII, but in all reality it's just glorified MKI. I call it the Prototype armour.

Y/N:Listen i am just happy my cousin is alive-ish.

Alex:yeah i need my arc reactor to keep me alive. *laughs* Just like Tony.

MoltenFreddyFan38:I think this was the best way to introduce the new hero Blue Steel and his arch enemy Detroit Steel.


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