Chapter 11

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In the morning

Claude wakes up first as his usual time but considering that someone was drunk last time, he didn't bear to wake her up; that preparation for this party must have taken a toll on her as well

Slowly he tries to moves himself from his wife but it not as he want

Lacie: "Mmm...Don't go" even without opening her eyes, she keeps a hold on him

Claude: "You sleep, and I will go ahead" while caressing her hair

Lacie opens her eyes to look at her husband

Lacie: "Then I will get up"

Claude: "You can sleep in, there is no hurry"

Lacie: "If you're not sleeping, I don't want too either"

Claude looks down to meet her eye to eye, her looks are rosy since she just woke up

Claude: "Fine, but make sure to rest within the day"

Instead of answering, Lacie circle her arms around him making him bends to the bed again

Claude: "You said your not sleeping"

Lacie: "I am not, just hug me for a while"

Seeing her closed eyes, Claude lies down again brining her in his arm

Claude: "Getting dunk is not a bad thing after all"

After spending in each other arms the couple stars their morning

In The Princess Room

Athy: "Lily did see, I made a friend at the party"

Lily: "Yes that's great your highness"

This is the talk of the princess since the morning

Lily: "Please turn around so I can fasten the ribbon princess"

Athy: "Yes, lets finish so I can go to Mama"

Lily: "Lets me check first before going, therefore please wait for a while"

Athy: "Okay, I am going outside"

Lily: "Please be careful and don't wonder far"

Athy: "Don't worry"

The princess goes to the garden to collect flowers for her parents

Athy: "For Mama white roses and blue is for papa"

Taking the time to pick a few flowers, Athy notice something moves and she follows it

Athy: "Is it a cat or a dog"

Athy: "Who..." coming after the small creature Athy see someone standing before her

There stood a tall man with dark hair, once he turns his face to look at Athy his red eyes are reflected clearly

Athy: "Pretty..."

Lucas: "Ha... what are you?"

Athy: "I am Athanasia, you can call me Athy"

Lucas: "I am not asking about your name, but you"

Athy: " your hand" the black creature is captured in the stranger hand

Lucas: "This is yours?"

Athy: "No I just saw it today"

Lucas: "Interesting"

The more he looks the more his interest in this small girl

Lucas: "Her mana is overflowing so much that triggered this to be created, it's better to kill it"

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