Chapter 3 Guardian Angel - Alexander Angel

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 Mantle, in the past big city with booming marketplaces and capital of science but now it lays in shadow of Atlas. Flying island that is kept in the sky with help of gravity dust. With each year Mantle was getting poorer and poorer. Most of it's money was paid to Huntsmen to protect them from Grimm. But that still was not enough, merchants and simple travelers were having a hard time with all of Grimm and bandits living on the ice continent. But there was one person who decided to protect Mantle for nothing. His name was Alexander Angel, heir to nonexistent now Angel Dust company. He protects people of Mantle by taking care of Grimm. And now, he needs to prove why he is named Guarding Angel...

 Family of five, runs through the snowy plains. Little girl that is led by her mother looks back and sees their small caravan destroyed by Grimm who are now chasing them. Father shouts to them to run faster, they are close to Mantel. They can hear grimm behind them, Beowulf, Ursa and few Nevermore. As they are running, little boy who was slightly behind them trips on a rock and falls into the snow. Father stops and begins runs towards him while he orders others to run forward. He finally gets to him and takes him into his arms but as he stands up he sees Nevermore flying towards them, his claws ready to catch them. Father turns around and shields his son, ready to take the attack. But it never comes and instead he hears blade being drawn and Nevermore falling to the ground behind them. 

 In front of them stands a young man with his sword drawn, next to him are disappearing corpses of Nevermore. His face is stoic as he is wearing white robes with black boots and few other black ornaments on them. He coldly looks towards the other grimm and sheaths his sword. He glances back towards scared man and his son.


 Man nods quickly and he takes off running away with his son. Alexander looks back at grimm and grips handle of his sword. He tilts himself forwards and when grimm are close enough he does a quick vertical slash. 

  At first nothing happens before hundreds of ice icicles sprout out of ground impaling some of the charging grimm. Alexander holds his sword in front of him and sides steps a slash from beowolf before cutting it in two. He block few more slashes from another beowolf before dodging out of Ursas claw. He glares at them and begins his carnage.

 His sword goes from left to right, from the above to the ground. Grimm can do nothing but to fall to his sword. His speed unmatched by anyone known to him. Another Ursa pounces at him, Alexander simply jumps over it and cuts it's back. As he lands behind it, he cuts it hind legs before moving to another grimm.

 All of this repeats for few minutes as he finally finishes grimm around him. As grim turn into dust he sheaths his sword and looks around. The family from before nowhere in sight, Alexander nods and as he is about to take off he hears a high pitched scream. His head whips to the left and more screams are heard.

"That family run in that direction."

 His eyes widen as silver aura gathers around him. His aura moves around his body and gathers on his back before set of giant angel wings sprout out form his back. Alexander crouches down before he takes off, flying towards the screams. 

 When he arrives at the place he sees two children standing against a wall, with grimm surrounding them. He scans the area around them and sees their parents and older sister dead on the ground, their bodies ripped open. Alexander looks back at the children and figures out that the negative energy coming out of them had to lure all of those grimm. 

 Alexander frowns before he flew even faster. As Beowulf is about to pounce on the children. Alexander crashes on top of it, his sword piercing it's skull. He quickly rips his sword out and takes a stance in front of the children, shielding them from grimm using his wings. He sheathes his sword quickly and waits, glaring at the grimm.

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