Chapter 5 ╳ balladeer pt.2

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Thanks for the 1k reads !!! I am happy there are people actually reading this :0

" oh what sweet symphonies that could be heard, don't you agree ?"

A few hours before the meeting was to be hold, a photoshoot was being held at Angels co. Studio, for their brand new clothes line. The up beat, yet scandalous looks were to bring attention to the middle age communities,and who better to show those off was;

The Balladeer

He was known for his incredible high taste in fashion, and his looks. He wore a serious tone when it came to his modeling skills, but a complete ride of emotions on set for a brand new hit television show. Most casting directors aim for him on shows and movies, but unfortunate for them, The said actor is usually busy for a photoshoot.

'The Balladeer' was a name he went by, not really anyone knowing his real name. He kept that a secret after his debut , seeing how his popularity grew after filming for nominating worthy movie. His name was cherished among others, who he was close to, and didn't dare to share to anyone without his permission.

The Balladeer kept his status high, not always mingling with other cast members on sets. He didn't try, nor want to get close to his other fellow leads— only to just avoid them afterwards. That's how it works when you are way to over populated, and noticed for a lot of things.

A few days ago, he was told his agent revived a call for a casting call for a upcoming movie. Now of course, Scaramouche has zero interest to be shooting for a movie at the time, seeing how he is busy for his modeling career. And he even told himself; that he was taking a break after shooting for 'forbidden love' with Ale Mose, who was awarded 'most attractive male of the year' award. The movie was such a hit, Scaramouche thought it was best to end off his actions career for the year after that.

But, his agent told him this movie was; One- being directed by the one and only, Zhongli , and two- it was based off of the most addicting book he had ever read: Vision's.

Those two reasons convinced Scaramouche that this was gonna be some rip off version of a romcom story. It was gonna be something worth experiencing. So, he contacted his agents, telling them he was willing to take the part of the leading role he was asked to be.

" I do, Zhongli sir. But I must ask..." Scaramouche turns around to face the taller of the two. " Why choose a book from a very low backstory ?" He asked, as the older held a confused face. " Pardon ? "

" I mean, the author. He was- what ? 15 writing this book ?" Scaramouche looks over at the author, who was taking a sip of his glass. The red liquid slowly disappearing in the glass. " He literally wrote it on Ao3. What else can be said ? He is that good at his literature, and yet — I still find it hard to believe he wrote it. " Scaramouche looks down at his own glass in hand, swirling the glass around.

Zhongli looks up towards the author, until placing a smile on his face. " I too thought the same things, Balladeer. But then— I saw a spark. " He says, until being interrupted by the modeler. " Wow, so original Zhongli. " The director lets out a chuckle, until looking down at the actor. " It's true though. I saw something in this story. I saw expectations within Mr. Kaedehara, as on how he changed when he was 15 years — to now at 24. "

Oh. Same age as him. Scaramouche thought he was younger for a second to be honest with you.

" But, do you have faith in the audience's attention spam ?" Scaramouche asks, looking up at Zhongli. But for only Zhongli to walk away from the corner, taking a slight turn to face Scaramouche in front. " You know — you ask to many questions, Balladeer. I hope to see you on set with us. " And then he leaves the stringless puppet to himself, thinking of the older's words.

" 'Ask to many questions' ? Heh.. sure I do. " Scaramouche eyes landed on the author, not realizing the said persons glare was on him as well. He notices the eyes piercing through him, as he did the same. The state stays like that for quite some time — until the quite author takes his way to him.

That's when Scaramouche started to panic, but only on the inside of course. He can't be seen as some kind of scared freak, So he kept his calm composure on the outside, watching the author take his way to him.

And just like that— the author was in front of the actor, staring slightly down at him. Scaramouche and the other kept their glare towards each other, until it softened.

" I noticed you were staring, Balladeer. Mind if I have a chat with you ?" The author asked, noticing the eyes of the actor never left his. Scaramouche does them look away a bit, noticing the room was filled to see no one was looking. Not that he cared, it just gives him off-vibes seeing others watching his conversations. The Balladeer looks back at the author, seeing how the said persons smile grew, turning into a grin.

" I don't see why not, Mr. Kaedehara. "


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