Chapter 5; Hangout

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What a beautiful day, beautiful morning! I feel happy, and nothing can ruin my day

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What a beautiful day, beautiful morning! I feel happy, and nothing can ruin my day.
I sing while getting dressed in some black leggings, a cute simple jumper, paired with white sneakers. So comfortable in my good mood until...

"Anna baby, can u please show Max around town?" My darling mother comes with this nice and amazing question.

Note the sarcasm!
Maybe I jinxed my day!

"Okay muuummI drawl out while sneering deep inside.

Here goes my beautiful day!

I run down the stairs to be welcomed with the nice smell of eggs and pancakes; hmmm breakfast. I go to grab my seat by the counter only to be stopped by Max's hand which is doing the deed for me instead.

Great! What a gentleman!! ay!

"Thanks" I whisper to him.
"You're welcome" he replies with a boyish grin to which I'm content that maybe he has chosen to forget all the weirdness of yesterday as I have. I feel safe until he continues, "princess".

Okay wtf?
I didn't know that we are giving each other nicknames. Guess I didn't get the memo!

I choose to ignore him and instead ask my mum,
"Where's dad?"
"Uhm, he's gone to a business trip" she replies while making herself busy with breakfast. Weird. She seems saddened by it. Lately, I've been noticing that dad has been home less and mum looks like this pretending she's fine, which I know she isn't.

"Here" my mum says before putting  plates of pancakes in front of Max and I.
I dig in immediately without a care in the world. And as I'm enjoying my delicious breakfast, my mum chooses that exact moment to kill me, literally! The little sweet devil looks at me and says,

"Max dear, Anna here is taking you out today," I choke on my food. "Aren't you darling?" She finishes with a raise of an eyebrow in my direction.

See, she wants to kill me.

Max looks up from his plate and stares at me with surprise.
"Really?" He asks seeming hopeful.

"Yap!" I reply, making sure I make the 'p' pop. "Not a date though" I hurriedly clarify, to which I get a chuckle from Max and I think he mutters something under his breath, along the lines of "yet".

Ha! In your dreams bro.


"Mum we are leaving" I scream at my mum who's in the kitchen doing dishes.

"Okay, have fun you two" she shouts back only to pop her head in the kitchen doorway and says "not to much fun though" while winking.

The little devil winked.

"Whatevs" I reply while grabbing my car keys and leading Max to my car.

"So," I begin "where would you like to go?"
"Anywhere" Max replies while shrugging.

I show him the best malls in town, the hospital, the pet clinic, the best shops, the best bakery, grocery stores blah blah blah so long story short, I show him all around while explaining to him stuff to which he nods and really seems attentive.

"I'll show you the school" I tell him. "But first, I need caffeine in my system"

I lead him to a cafe I love called 'The Hangout' and when we enter, I go to order our coffees while I point him to my favorite booth.

After our drinks, I drive to school and thank God break is ending in two days so it's still free from students.

"This is our school" I show him "you're going here too, right?"

"Yah, I am" he says "can't wait. Though I'll need your help, please"

He flashes me his charming smile and I can't say no. Literally. Now I am the only one he knows, he lives at my house, my mum wants us to get to know each other. So yah, I can't say no.  I just hope nothing big changes in my life because of Max's presence. I mean, Fiona is gone. Now the only one I have is Dorian. Speaking of Dorian, I miss my bestie. He is currently away for 'business' as he calls it and it's been two weeks now. I have to call him and tell him about Max. Not to gossip buh we talk about everything.

"Alright" I say "let's go buy you stuff you'll need for school"

We head back to the mall and shop for scholastic materials, from books, to pens, to files. I even buy new journals, markers and stickers.

"Here" I hear Max say as I turn around to face him only to see him holding a cute beige journal with a feathery cover which is so soft and smooth to the touch. I take it from him and I immediately fall in love with it.

"Thanks" I smile at Max.
"You're welcome" he says while rubbing his nape nervously "I didn't think you'll love the color. I mean girls I know love pink and stuff"

I give him my signature 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"I hate pink" I inform him "it's actually my worst color"
"Really? What's your favorite?"
"I love gray, black, beige, brown" I tell him while walking to the counter to pay for our stuff.

"I never would've guessed" he truthfully states.

"I know" I tell him "I'm an enigma"
"That you are" he mutters lowly though I obviously heard it.

"Look Anna" Max says, I turn to look at him "I'm sorry for creeping you out yesterday when I told you that I like you"

Oh oh, we are having the talk.

"It's okay Max" I tell him "though I don't want you to think that something might happen between us and get your hopes up"

"I know, it's just." He says while staring at his shoes instead "forget it"

"No, tell me" I insist.

"Anna Leigh, ever since we were little, I've always wanted to be your friend" he confesses.

Oh my gosh

"But you were always cool, had cool friends and didn't notice me at all" he says and laughs nervously.

"Max," I gain his attention. "I want us to be friends"

"Cool" he states "thank you Anna Leigh"

We put all our stuff in my trunk and we drive home while having small talk and to say the truth, today was fun and Max is easy to talk to and for a moment, I felt like we could be friends.


Anne Marie & Marshmallow

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